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Posts posted by BannersID

  1. sadly if the buyer has already set these wheels in motion there is no one to deal with but paypal. If you have enough to back up your claim that the item was sent to the same billing addy as the credit card used chances are slim but there that paypal will see things your way. I've had charges returned to me but it was made clear it would not be a regular thing for paypal or ebay to do. ebay and its function sites are set heavily in favor of the buyer as far as "buyer satisfaction"

  2. I've been scrolling back through your thread here and man what a impressive collection of work. 1 in particular caught my eye, Speedball, I have no real love of the character but I have to say your custom turned what i would have envisioned as a rather dull minimate into something really fun. The use of the "bamf" base was inspired.

    Keep this stuff coming.

  3. I know a 5.9 isn't really funny hah,hah material but wow, I can see that conversation going down-

    (Minor shudder)

    Government employee A:Did you feel that?

    Government employee B:What?

    Government employee A:Did the ground just shake?

    Government employee B:I'm not sure. It could have. I think it did.

    Government employee A:We should probably clear out of here for the day.

    Government employee B:That's solid thinking. Uh, will I still get paid?

    Government employee A:Of course!

    Government employee B:Right, see you in the morning!

  4. I read Phillip K. Dicks "Do androids dream of electric sheep" when I was very young maybe a couple of years before the release of the movie. I was also very much(still am) a sci-fi / movie buff and had to convince my father to drive me almost an hour and a half away to see this in the theater (a double feature with Clint Eastwoods "Firefox") I was struck silent by the visuals that appeared on the screen. After many years of repeated viewings (I'm 40 something now) I'm still struck by the visuals, I also think the film is well written and while not a direct adaptation of the book it does capture the feel and theme very nicely. Since Blade Runner was released there have been 2 (that I know of) sequels written to the movie (not the book) both are slightly lack luster. How ever I could get on board with a Scott prequel that chronicles Roy and companys coming together and escape to earth that might be hella cool. we shall see.

  5. when I first got into mates I was very selective about who I bought. After a bit I started being not so choosey as a result I found myself in a bidding war for a loose single Rhino when it was still a "mystery" figure. Bidding hit 50.00 by the time the auction closed and I had no Rhino. 2 days later I picked up a set at cost. The experience has colored all of my MM purchases since.

  6. I would offer 2 bits of advice on a dremel, make sure you get one with a variable speed option (I imagine this is standard on a brand name dremel) and second the flexible extension shaft offered by dremel is a god send when doing fine work.

    oh and, practice, practice, practice.

  7. ok I did my level best to resist this toy line I really did, but, the allure of the doctor strange along with buy one get one along with a dollar off the normal price was to great. I now have my first 2 MU figs the good Doctor and the bad Dr. . please,please let me have the strength of will to continue being very selective about my buying habits with these. I know there are a lot of characters out there already can someone kindly direct me to a site like the MM database if there is one for these little gems.

  8. I do love all the customs on the multiverse pages but things like Rom and your Dire Wraith are my favorites of the bunch as there really is no chance of seeing them made in production form. Nice job on the wraith, keep it up with the obscure character choices!

  9. What is your favorite single minimate? I really do love them all but Dr.Strange no contest

    What minimate/pack did you spend the most money on? I've been lucky a couple extra dollars here and there for a variant but for the most part I've spent retail or sometimes cost. I think I did pay like 11.00 dollars shipped for a 3 inch Mugato after the 2 inch Trek mates came out

    What was your hardest to find mate/pack that you now own? That frelling Mugato took me a while to track down, probably why I paid so much for it

    What are you looking forward to most out of the newly announced minimates? MODOK if its real Arnim Zola though looks great

    What mate/pack do you hope to see announced for next year? Kang/Falcon two pack

  10. Ok I need some fracking answers. Are we really getting that amazing MODOK design for reals or are one of you monkeys toying with me. I try and keep up to date around here and i was really treating all the MODOK talk as wistful thinking. I mean because a MODOK would just about make me squeal with insane glee.Ok I would definitely squeal

  11. it is indeed the same stone men featured in the planet hulk, WWH sagas I think that characters name was Korg not much of a custom as its been shown that the members of that race are more or less identical in appearance, it does make for a really good army builder idea because of this but I don't think the bulked up Thing body is a good fit. While they are "stone men" I've never seen them depicted with the same bulk as Ben and if memory serves the stone pattern is more shard like as compared to Ben's more rocky cobblestone look.

  12. don't underestimate those shade trees the landlord of my building cut down one of three trees that shade the building I live in and it drove the bills way up trying to cool off the upstairs. it really does make a difference. Glad to hear all is right in your world again

  13. An Astral Form Dr. Strange seems like a no brainer to me. I mean the molds are made and the paint tampos just need a color change. The way dst seems to like making clear figures (i.e. Human Torch) you would think we would have had this one by now.

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