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Posts posted by NNY

  1. Oh i understand....i would expect the same curtesy if it were the other way around.... however once enuf time has passed...i expect an EPIC conversation about what will very likely be the most EPIC movie ever!!! :D

  2. i'll be going thursday at 7 pm, prescreening tickets, free, courtesy of hot topic, its not the tuesday night free screening the ppl who played the virals got (and i missed :( ) but its still early, and then again on friday at 10 in IMAX


    i followed the virals and GOT my free advanced screening for tuesday.

    it was possibly the highlight of my summer (til i actually SEE Dark Knight of course) and i was gona come on here to see if anyone else was fortunate enuff to get one too. cept now it seems im just here to if u dont mind....


    *does the batusi*

  3. Thats pretty entertaining. In the credits you've used alter-egos for Iron Man and Spider-man ie Stark and Parker, but for Hulk you used the actor, Ed Norton :blink:

    idk what to tell ya other than it was funny to me & my friend @ the time XD

  4. wow those were great....and funny too!XD i was toying around w/ with the idea of making something similar but i realized i hadnt the patience for it.....150 some odd pics and all i really had was spidey dancing / flailing around for like 10 secs. *sigh*

    but keep up the good work Havoc 05! :D

  5. got it today, and just opened it....

    how can i break this to you all...

    IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    AMEN!! I just got home to open it up now and

    its pretty f-ing FANATASTIC!



  6. OH MY GOD YES!!!!

    I saw this first at Anime Boston, then later that day there were people dancing the opening credits in the dealers alley. Life was good.

    I did not know that there was a manga version out, is it being carried by a major retailer?

    Anyways, awesome show, and I will totally join you in the squealing, though mine will be straight out fan-girl style! ^_^

    I saw the silly dancing the last like 2 or 3 con's i went to , and i decided to check out few eps just to see what all the fuss was about and I surprisingly LOVE it! *fanboy squeals*

  7. Oyzmandias & Nite-owl look like they repainted outfits from the god awful "Batman & Robin" but other than that Rorschach is perfect! i still have some glimmer of hope for this. i can't wait for a trailer, think they'll have something ready by Dark Knight?

  8. hope these are better for ya,yeah heroscape tiles for a base and fishing line super glued to the shelf above for flying heroes


    Don't take this the wrong way....I really like your Man Thing.

    I agree. That custom is awesome. Now... where's the official?

    I think more needs to be done with Ultimate Man-Thing. He's appeared a total of, what, two panels?

    The bat mech is incredible!! the huge group shot...WOW!i just wish i had THAT many minimates, im fairly new to this game.

  9. I used to LOVE xevoz, i have all of series one, two, and quick slinger from series three, as of right now, theyre all in a small bucket, so who knows if i still have all the parts! Ill have to check...

    On a side note, im sad that these didnt do well, the creativity was amazing, and they seemed directed to ANY age. I remember showing them to my friends the day i got home from toys r us getting my first two, and they went out and bought them all man was i jealous not having that mummy! :D

    I have that mummy, among others in 2 boxes (1 of them being the ACTUAL xevoz carry case) cept the thing is dusting those boxes out and assembling them . cause its basicly a box of assort'd arms legs and torsos at this point.

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