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dr baghead

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Posts posted by dr baghead

  1. And I want Queen Beryl. Definitely before any other villain.

    So I agree with this. But I gots to thinking:

    Is Queen Beryl as iconic in Japan as she is in America?

    Like in America we remember her because she was the first villain, and to a lot of people might have been the only villain they ever saw her fight.

    Does Japan remember her fondly as Sailor Moon’s original villain? Or is she a blip in the characters history where long term fans might remember her but she’s since been eclipsed by greater foes... Like in the same way Rita and Lord Zedd are the Power Rangers’ most iconic enemies in America but one time things (or for Zedd someone who doesn’t exist) in Japan.

  2. buttheadsmate, on 04 Apr 2014 - 01:48, said:

    the first one says "Projects cannot sell items or offer rewards not produced by the project or its creator " .

    Not quite slam-dunk because ol' Digger will probably say that he is the creator of Minimates but it's worth a shot because he doesn't 'produce' them !

    I think this is badly worded on the part of either that article or possibly Kickstarter if it’s taken from their rules.

    A lot of Kickstarters aren’t “producing” their own goods, they’re getting funding to mass produce something.

    For example:

    I have a really kick ass design for cel phone cover with built in chip clip (or for those on the other side of the pound: a really kick arse design for a mobile phone cover with built in crisp clip) you know for those times when you’re tucking into a bag of salt n’ vinegary goodness and you get a call, this phone cover let’s you answer WITHOUT LOSING FRESHNESS!

    I can bring my design to a factory in China and THEY can produce the clipcase (TRADEMARKED!) for me and I can go to Kickstarter to raise the funds to produce the initial order.

    Even though I’m not hand making each and every clipcase sold, I’m not violating Kickstarter’s rules that “I” produce every item.

    What that means is I can’t offer as a reward to fund the clipcase 15 different bags of chips (crisps) I bought at the store to use with my product since I didn’t have any hand in the crisps (chips) production.

    This is probably to prevent someone from “cheating” by offering some rare item to fund something completely unrelated... so if Digger offered original Gold Spider-man minimates he’d be in violation, you can go to eBay to sell your old stuff to raise funds if that’s your game but Kickstarter doesn’t want you holding a yard sale through them to get rid of it.

    So technically Digger is the “producer” of the Agent 88 minimates, he’s taken the design and moneys to DST and they will make for him a unique product.

    Unless “produce” here means “deliver” in which case he’s not producing shit. (unless we’re talking Agent 88, in which he did produce shit.)

  3. A Quicksilver minimate would be very cool (especially since the movies quick silver is so different then the comic version)

    I know we’ll probably get an Avengers 2 Quicksilver (CURSE YOU TRU!!!!!-preemptive agony over wave dropping!)so getting a mate of the lesser Quicksilver is redundant...

    but I sort of want both just because I know it’s gonna lead to people making some funny mini comics and/or cool action shots.

  4. Here we go. Another 20% off.

    I hate TRU has rendered this coupon all but worthless to me by excluding items marked “Hot Prices”, and then proceeds to mark every Monster High doll and Lego Movie set as “Hot Prices” without offering a discount (or at the very least charging the same prices Wal-Mart and Target do, which could be a discount for TRU, but for a smart shopper who knows if it doesn’t have that little silver R it’s cheaper at Target “the same price as everyone else” isn’t really a discount)

    I see TRU’s logic in that this will probably get someone to buy an item I want less just to use the coupon AND buy a full priced high demand item while they’re there since they don’t go to TRU everyday, or maybe they don’t realize the coupon won’t work will pick up the item and when the clerk says “this coupon won’t work, this item is already discounted” hope the poor shmuck says “OH COOL! HERE MONEY!!!” and buys it anyway.

    So yeah I get WHY TRU is doing that, but it’s still a dick thing to do.

  5. Guys, the days of minimates have come to an end. We all laughed when his products paged listed Mini-mallows as: "You may recognize these cute little 2.25" block figures that will give some minature mates a run for their money.” (direct cut and paste quote, spelling error in tact) as if Palz with stickers on them could ever hope to compete with those “miniature mates” BUT....

    Geoff anounced his first LICENSED mini-mallow, and OH... MY... GOD is it amazing.

    The level of detail in the tampo and sculpt, the fact he got clothe goods to WORK in that scale... I didn’t think he could pull it off, hell I didn’t think he could do much of anything, but he’s finally found his niche in the toy world and I’m not gonna be surprised at all when the Marvel and Skybound licenses for block figures are given to GBJR Toys next year when renewal time comes because he’s taking the format places DST never did, and possible never COULD given their lack of vision.

    Let’s just get used to calling this place the “minimallowmultiverse” now, since in two years, we’re not gonna have a choice!!!

  6. Yeah don't fret over lego BB's aside from looking like a weirdo it's easy to get 95% accurate from the feels of the bag.

    Personally I can’t tell from the feel what’s in the blind bags. I tried to match the dot codes and feel the bag, but my even though I guessed my best ended up with a mechanic instead of medusa.

    ...although that ended up working out in the long run since Metalbeard’s Dual comes with a construction worker and a robot cop (who swapped parts with a generic minifig to make human) I didn’t think I wanted... until I remembered I had the Mechanic and a Naval Officer (from a display case) and now I just need a Cowboy and Indian and I’ve got a really funny set to display!

    ... but actually it didn’t work out in the long run at all because I still don’t have Medusa and need to order off ebay someday.

  7. Black Cat

    Manga Spider-man

    Manga Venom

    Devil Hunter

    Black Cat (w/ Cap shield)

    Manga Spider-girl (MJ)

    Manga Spider-man


    We have very different main wants from this idea, and MJ is a really cool design, but I want Venom AND Devil Hunter... so TWO BOX SETS IS THE ONLY ANSWER!!!!

    “Manga-verse" Box Set:

    Original Suit Manga Spider-man

    Spider-Girl MJ

    Black Cat (with Shield)

    Manga Hulk (who’s meh, but was the whole tying together aspect of the first arc, plus with Godzilla minimates coming another Kaiju must be welcome, right?)

    Curse of the Spider-clan set:


    Black Suit Manga Spider-man

    Sensei Ben

    Devil Hunter

    Great! Now let’s ask DST to make it happen!

  8. So it looks like these might actually be legit, albeit that the new line of toys is an old line and he's just acting as distributer?

    He’s now selling the orange and black figures as blanks for half the price of the game ($10 each) so I’m gonna throw out a conspiracy theory!

    Prior to today, neither MayDay nor Geoff made reference to the other party. MayDay was still calling their figures “Robots” Geoff wasn’t saying he had partnered for anyone for the product.

    So MayDay was just glad someone bought a couple deluxe game sets and orange blanks, Geoff thought he found some obscure block figures he could pass as his own. Geoff is unaware block fans know of Get Bit already, MayDay is unaware of Geoff’s shittiness.

    Geoff applies the stickers and awful blood splatter to the orange and black blanks claiming them to be “mini-mallows"

    Geoff can now claim to have produced new product (How are his GoFundMe backers okay with him producing new product when he claims not to have the funds to finish the ones he’s promised?)

    TBT! e-mails MayDay to ask if they’re aware of this

    and thus MayDay is now aware someone is selling their products without asking.

    MayDay contacts Geoff and ask him to stop selling their decals as his own products

    Similar to how Luke doesn’t want people selling his sticker sheets on eBay. It should be noted as of right now Geoff is selling the orange and black AS BLANKS, I doubt he sold through his set of “exclusive PanDead and Dead Asylum” unless he really only had the three, said “f**k this!” to applying more paint like a 5 year old and start selling them as blanks... but then, who are these 3 people who BOUGHT his exclusives?! They’re $12 each! It makes more sense MayDay said “stop selling them with stickers” and he said “phew! You got it!"

    Geoff is as of yesterday selling the “mini-mallows” as ‘customizing blanks’ for $10 each (he includes shipping in his store price, so we’ll round down)

    MayDay, being an independent company, won’t turn their nose up to sales. They aren’t going to stop someone from selling the Blanks loose on eBay, they aren’t going to stop someone from buying the game and selling it to someone else, they aren’t going to stop someone from painting on their blanks and selling it as a custom on eBay... so it makes no sense for them to stop Geoff from just selling their figures.

    You can buy an Orange (or Pink!) blank from MayDay for $5 with cards (and stickers if you pick the deluxe set) you can get a set with cards, a shark, full color box, and 5 blanks for $25 (or $20 from Amazon!) It’s clear the base price per blank is less than $5... so why is Geoff selling them with no cards or packaging for TEN DOLLARS. He’s not a partnered reseller, he’s just RESELLING and MayDay is okay with that because at least they’re making money.

    MayDay, having sorted out what they see as the problem with Geoff replies to TBT! saying there is a deal in place

    There was not a deal two weeks ago, they waited until Geoff stopped selling their designs as his own before saying “we have an agreement we’re supplying his product” which is a polite way to say “so long as he pays us he can resell parts of our game, what do we care..."

    MayDay does not call the ‘robots’ mini-mallows as of today, and as of yesterday Geoff was not mentioning anyone other than GBJR toys (by the by, I’m so annoyed his logo is the SOTA Street Fighter logo. Not only is he an asshat, he’s an asshat stealing a logo of the greatest toy line of 12 years ago...) as the creators of mini-mallows. So MayDay clearly has no interest in cross-promoting their new “partner” and Geoff has no interest in pretending he’s not reselling pieces of a board game.

    As of today HostGator has shut down Geoff’s site

    Not important, but I went back to check some wording and get a “Suspended page” warning. HA! Also I like saying “Hose Gah Tor” like comedian Kumail Nanjiani

    tl;dr: I’d bet the agreement is Geoff can resell whatever he wants but he’s just some a-hole buying product not a partner since he’s not getting a special price on them and isn’t allowed to sell their stickers as ‘original designs’ since he’s stop selling the “zombie exclusives” (which if it WAS an official partnership wouldn’t they have supplied him with their OFFICIAL zombie sticker set that’s now out of print?!) but whatever so long as MayDay knows and is okay with the plan.

    tl;dr the tl;dr: YAY! MayDay isn’t being ripped off. LOL! HostGator suspended Geoff’s web-site!

    Edit: fixed a redundant sentence that was really bothering me.

    Edit Edit: Never mind, his sites back and he’s still selling Pandead and Dead Asylum for $10 each (the same price as the blanks?!) so like all conspiracy theories mine is full of shit.

    Also, is Get Bit any fun? It looks fun, I want to get it, keep the Blank Palz for myself since OOOH SHINY BLANKS! and just use some Marvel Minimate doubles and play a Superhero version with my nephew. But if it’s hard to play or boring I’ll pass.

  9. So enough about Miki, does the set contain an alternate Johnny Mo head?

    You know, the groups actual leader and a named character, One of those extra heads had better have no hole in the top and ears printed on the side!

    okay, now more about Miki: In my search for the name of Johnny Mo (who I was just going to call “Gordon Liu’s character” but realized that could also apply to Pai Mei) I found a listing on the Kill Bill Wikia for “Miki” (claiming him the first one killed) which clearly shows a dude. A google search for “Kill Bill Miki” brings up more pictures of said dude (who actually does look like one of the minimates we’re getting) typing in “female crazy 88” brings up pictures of the woman we’ve been calling “Miki” often called “a female crazy 88”.... so what the hell is going on?!?!

  10. TBT!, on 20 Mar 2014 - 13:13, said:


    Part of me wants the whole funeral thing to be ignored. If nothing else to prove that people can be better than he was.

    I know its a crazy idea in this day and age but does acting as badly as he did make anything better?

    Yeah I'm a damn hippy at heart.


    Well I looked it up and it looks like he’s not even having a funeral.

    Too bad, I would have enjoyed seeing some funny signs.

  11. I hope his funeral is picketed with signs of peace, love, and forgiveness. (In rainbow colors, of course.)

    I feel bad on a human level on of his relatives will ask “please, just leave us alone so we can grieve” not wanting a media circus around a very private moment.

    But irony’s a cruel mistress but they didn’t afford anyone else that right and now they’re gonna pay and I can’t wait to see pictures and videos from the protest of HIS funeral! There’s so many assholes on the internet who’ve been waiting for this day. Oh it’s going to be AMAZING!

  12. i love dry humor, i only laugh after the well is long dry & im the only one left hah

    Not sure if needs a “Windmills Do Not Work That Way!” gif since that’s not what ‘dry humor’ means, or if needs “Sad Trumpet” wav file since joke about double meaning of dry feel very flat (and either way, if the joke needs to be explained it wasn’t funny.)

    On topic:

    I like tiny Rocket, He’s super tiny in the trailers, I agree we need a full size comic Rocket, but movie Rocket is perfect at this size.

    Here are some better things to complain about in for this pretty great overall wave:

    -the weird torso on Drax. Zangief and Murdok looked REALLY weird with it, it’s almost Mega Raged size but being paired with tiny limbs, also it’s very boxy were at least the acutal megarage torso has curved surfaces... Maybe it’ll work on Drax since he’s at least human sized unlike the SFxT guys who were supposed to be GIANT meat piles. (but I could rant about the scale issues of SFxT for DAYS, so let’s just drop this...)

    -there’s no John C. Riley head under the Nova helmet... now who’s gonna back up Marshall Willenholly on drums?!

    -We’re getting two of the sand looking guys. I’d rather get two of the Nova Corp. even if it’s not Dr. Steven Brule Wreck-It Ralph under the helmet.

    -Starlord doesn’t really look like Chris Pratt (although I bet that changes when we see a closer to production version rather than a photoshopped prototype) how’s he gonna sit on the double couch with Emmet and be buddies if he doesn’t look like Chris Pratt?! No one will get it! (and again if you have to explain a joke it’s not funny!)

  13. I kinda wish they would have figured out a way to give the emaciated Zombie thinner legs too.

    Since they used his skinned arm for her arm tops, they could have used this zombie's thigh to achieve that look:


    (HAIL IVAN!) For the other leg either use a new piece to mirror the the look or just went with the one used on hitchhicker zombie.

    I’m surprised how much more I like this wave in hand than in pictures.

    Originally I only wanted Abraham and Business Lady Zombie. I thought I was going to have to bulk Abraham up using a movie Hulk torso, but the wideness of his chest tampo and the ability to use his big-honking belt to stretch him out a bit makes him look big enough compared to Rick to make me happy. (plus I guess from a sales stand point it makes sense to make him huge anyway... he’s not that big on the show and looks similar enough there could be crossover appeal)

    Army Zombie has a really cool T-shirt so a few part swaps and he went from zombie-parts-fodder-bin to main display, Rick’s head is great and ended up replacing the head on my series 1 Rick (it looks MUCH better hatless, and he needs a hatless head since Carl is coming soon) I really liked Michonne and Hitchhicker zombie too seeing them in the store, but didn’t want to spend another $8 and left them behind... but when I checked out I got a 15% off coupon for next week so looks like I’ll be going back for them shortly.

    I guess I’m saying this wave really surprised me I went from liking 2 figures (and thinking 1 needed to be customized to happy with it) to 6 just by seeing them in person.... I still don’t like Eugene who looks nothing like Eugene (I could get over his lack of a mullet or gut if his FACE looked anything like Eugene.) or his zombie buddy though.

  14. So the “Palz” made me think “this reminds me of that game with the Lego shark and the Palz"

    So I looked it up it’s called “Get Bit!” by Mayday Game. AND HERE’S WHERE IT GOES CRAZY!!!!

    Add-on Orange Blank:

    Add-on Panda Stickers for your Black Blank found in the sets:

    pictures of 'the final product' on the Fwoosh:

    HOLY SH*T!!!!

    He’s not licensing Palz and calling them “Mini Mallows” he’s just buying someone else’s product, putting THEIR sticker sheets on them then smeering red paint and calling it his own!!!

    wow, we all knew he was a liar and cheat, but wow... just straight up selling someone else’s shit as his own?!

    (and I’m 98% sure Geoff is not Mayday Toys because they actually sent our their kickstarter products)

  15. those look fantastic biggrin.png

    can I suggest the Mandarin hair for Hogun, it may need a paint job but it has the tied up hair in the back

    I tried that, he looked weird with that hair piece (this is one of few young asian-ish heads I found in my parts bin, so there might be a different head it works with, but it’s not this one). I like the ‘shagginess’ the hair he has gives him (even if his hair is rather neat in the films), so I just sculpted a bun onto it:

    pictured with a Super Friend’s Samurai to show a possible alternate head if the Mandarin’s hair is the piece you wish you use, he’s grim and even has the correct Thor 2 beard! . (I thought it looked a little too sinister for one of Thor’s BFF's)

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