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Posts posted by 616commando

  1. Can anyone help me brainstorm up a good Jonah Hex head? For those that aren't familier with him, he has horrible burns on the right side of his head. Kinda like two face from the Dark Knight movie, but on the opposite side. Any ideas?

    So far all i've come up with is the Lt. from the upcoming Platooon pack, but i don't think he'll have enough eye-bulging goodness to make due.

    I'll eventually have to paint one I suppose, but that is a dishearting prospect at best as my face painting skills are underdeveloped to say the least.

  2. I'm reading Secret Invasion, as much as i can afford to. Moving put a crimp on the old 30 dollar a week habit. ha, I used to look forward to wendsdays....

    I read issue one of Final Crisis, and thought it was


    Just my two cents. Maybe the story will even out over ALL of those tie ins, but

    killing MM was lame. That guy JUST got a new costume. And the human flame kills him? weak.

    Secret Invasion is decent...

    I know the queen is lying to TS though...too bad. That would have wrapped things up like a present for Christmas.

    MI-13 took a turn for the worse with issue two, I thought.

  3. If anyone needs any helps with missions I'm at 25% done, and living in Bohan.

    Brucie's my favorite character. Little Jacob is just too hard to understand, and I listen to a lot of dub reggae.

    Has anyone else gotten the 70 dollar hooker service? I'm glad to see it before all the moms get crazy.

  4. Try the Vampire Earth series by E.E. Kight, loads of good post-apoctaliptic vampire goodness.

    My wife just finished her SECOND star trek book over the weekend. Big, big changes, as she used to hate reading. Another convert to our side! Only took seven years....

    WWZ was definetly worth the "hype" it's an altogether great read. It's nice that it's a bunch of collected survior stories, as it breaks up the novel into great little sections. Loaned my copy out, or i'd read it again.

  5. what the heck, here's my take on spymaster:

    I both know and like spymaster. Shocking i know! He's a pretty cool villian, that set into motion one of the better "mini series" in Iron Man comics. After stealing stark tech designs, the ol' spy master sells the specs to the highest bidder, thus forcing tony to "take back" his ideas by force.

    With both fighting and corperate intrigue, spymaster fits my definition of a IM villian.

    Kinda like a batman ememy: you have to take down bruce wayne AND batman to really defeat him.

    that being said, will her ever get his own series? Probably not, but come on! The mini comes with TWO holsters. Can anyone complain about that?

  6. the 30th aniversary figures (3.75 inch) version of the storm trooprs come with removable helmets, that are of a much more piliable plastic than the lego helmets. Also they fit on standard minimates head with no fuss at all. PLUS they are extremly easy to find at walmarts/targets etc.

  7. I couldn't possably get more on board with this idea. Saved by the bell minimates would be the bee's knees. I can think of 15 differeent varients that could be used.

    here's some ideas for the series'. We're going to ignore the "Good morning Miss Bliss" episodes.

    Slater+Jessie Two pack

    Zack and Kelly

    Screech and lisa.

    Mr. Belding+ Max

    Varient for these two packs would include:

    Slater and Tori

    and Screech and Kevin (his robot)


    Jessie and Eric? Graham (her step brother from new york)

    Some great box sets could be

    the Zack Attack (band) set, uin their cool b&w costumes

    the ROTC box set, with the cast in their sweats and t-shirts from that episode

  8. It looks good, except for the sunglasses. Not much in the way of eye pieces for minimates. A little putty where the nose bridge is would go a long way into making the glasses look like Snake eye's visor. Other than that, it's pretty dead on.

    *edit* why not try a cyclops visor, painted black?

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