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Posts posted by DaveOMac

  1. I've been reluctant to order from the website, as my TRU has been pretty good about stocking the various series of Minimates (the boxsets on the other had, have never once appeared in store).

    However, my local TRU has yet to see Marvel Wave 10, Halo Wave 2, or Captain America, so I didn't hesitate to order the Calico Jack 'mates.

    Feel the same way as I've had to return orders and regret eBay buys as my TRU is finally getting stuff in. However with stuff like Calico Jack I get the feeling these will be as popular as the MAX mates which lasted a week at my local tru and the second shipment barely lasted 2.

  2. Very cool comic Dave. Some times the less said the better.:thumbsup: You know, technically that strip could go on and on and on and on and on...:wacko:. Uh oh, I've gone cross eyed thinking about the space time continuum.

    I almost named the strip Time Loop because of it but I figured it would be obvious enough. Glad you enjoyed it. I loved doing a silent one.

    I think the best part is that Doc runs over Clint Eastwood, instead of the established pattern of Kirk doing it.

    I'm glad you noticed it. Doc Brown's part is the only one that does not follow the pattern. He's also about to blast Biff before Kirk shows, everyone else was hanging out. Just a little foreshadowing that Old West Doc is kind of a bad ass.

  3. Updated 4/18/11 - #67: Too Cool for School

    Cyclops must not deal with Cannonball as his X-Force ways disrupt class.

    'You Smell of Sin' - bah ha ha ha - gold!

    Updated 5/2/11 - #69: Caught Between 2 (X)Forces

    Warpath must chose which X-Force he truly belongs with. Cable's or Wolverine's.

    'an animorph who wasn't a whore' - Dude - you are fast making Rahne my fave character. Very funny stuff :thumbsup:

    Glad you enjoyed Nessex. The New Mutants were originally planned for a one strip only but they are essentially becoming my favorites. I'm glad your enjoying them.

    BTW I always thought Feral was just created to have a more ferocious and sluttier Rahne so their dialogue is just natural to me.

  4. Of course these pop up when I have a random Tuesday off from work and did not even go on the computer that much.

    Wonderful. At least I got the Halo mates.

    Guess I'll hit up ebay for the AOA mates. :(

    BTW if anyone got doubles of the AOA 2 packs please let me know as I'll be willing to work out a transaction with you, just PM me.

  5. I hate to say it but TRU waves only depress me now. They tease us with out of stock listings online and my store now hasn't had a new wave since the FF wave and have ALL minimates on clearance.

    All these announcements do is make eBay sellers richer and make us poorer.

    sorry to be negative but until TRU's website gets it in their head there is a large online demand for minimates I'm going to be a little bitter.

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