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Posts posted by gambitron

  1. Stop your grinnin and drop your linen! This is the most amazing news in all of ever (well almost). I can't say what I will do with Lost in Space I will have to see them first. But ALIENS!!!!!!!! This is in my top 3 things that I wanted minimated (along with SW and MOTU) After SW, Aliens is my favorite Sci-fi movie of all time! Oh boy I can't wait to see this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. There were pictures of Mattel's NYTF reveals for upcoming classics figures and I am so excited that they are making Mantenna! They also have pics of the Grayskull prototype and man do I wish I had the money to get that. Check out the pics here. Makes me super excited for all the other stuff we get to see in the next week from NYTF!

  3. Well we should expand the question to what would you call them if they weren't minimates? I don't have an answer off the top of my head but I will reply when I come up with something good. But I'd love to hear the undoubtedly awesome answers people will come up with.

  4. I love that I can have over a thousand of these and it doesn't take up a ton of room. I love the diversity of characters for Marvel and how many other great lines they have. I love the articulation and simply the style. I also love that they are small enough to carry around in my pocket since I like to have something with me when i go somewhere boring to have something to fiddle with.

  5. I thought that exact thing as I made purchases the other day. TRU spies knew to put out something that I wanted secondarily and then once my money was gone they would put out my primary want!

  6. I for one do not want Marvel U and Star Wars U to mix. I love the DH SW comics and have very nearly every single issue DH has published (in singles or collected in a TPB) so I hope that Marvel taking over doesn't take the way they have been done and throw it out the window. As long as they stay on the same or similar course for the comics I will be ok, but please don't put SW characters in the Marvel U!

  7. Got my final subscription box in the mail today since I didn't subscribe fore next year. I imediately took my stash of figures that I have been hoarding from the sub that I didn't want and listed them as a lot on ebay. There are definitely figures I want from next year but I can't stand spending my money on figures I don't want when I could buy other things instead. So I am going to try my luck trying to buy the figures day of on mattycollector.

    This line is still amazing I just can't justify in my mind spending so much every month when it isn't figures that I absolutely want.

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