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Posts posted by Kassle

  1. I certainly wouldn't lose sleep without the Captive Six, Romo Lampkin or Preacher Baltar - afterall there's quite a few Baltars & Sixes out there and Lampkin wasn't a particularly compelling character.

    You think Hotdog and Racetrack are more compelling than Romo Lampkin? There has been more character development for Romo in one episode than Hotdog and Racetrack have had combined over the course of the entire series. Here is Romo's hit list:

    He sucessfully defended Baltar, redeeming Lee in the process, was selected to help choose a replacement for the president, carried a putrid cat around with him as a surrogate for his wife and child and stabbed a marine in the neck with a pen to save Starbuck.

    Not to mention I met him at NYCC last weekend and he's a hell of a nice guy. Hotdog and Racetrack are just scenery compared to Lampkin.

    I apoligize for the rant.

    Lampkin doesn't do much for me, either.

    And while I agree that Racetrack has always been an undeveloped background character, there are a few other pilots I'd love to see before Lampkin - Seelix, Hot Dog and Crashdown have all had huge moments during the series, and I would like to see them (although Crashdown & Seelix haven't been planned at any point, so far as I can tell - aside from the supposed Racetrack minimate looking more like Seelix than Racetrack to me).

  2. Hey folks -

    I've spent a significant amount of time poring through the minimate database. I'm looking for an african-american female head. Are there any others, aside from Uhura & Storm?

    Also, does anybody know if there is a hairpiece which either is or resembles dreadlocks (in a ponytail)?

    Thanks muchly -


  3. I am pretty sure that they mixed up the heads on D'Anna & Natalie. The current head they have on D'Anna looks a lot like the apps they tend to use on 6 (eyebrows in particular) and the head on Natalie looks a lot like Lucy Lawless to me.

    As for the rest, I think Doral's outfit is kinda odd. I've never been a Simon or Hot Dog fan. Nice that we're getting Racetrack. Wish we were also getting Seelix. Prophet Baltar's likeness is kinda off.

    The rest are all pretty great. Aside from Billy, I think DST has given us pretty much every major character from BSG...which is pretty frakking amazing.

  4. Strange that they are moving the Battlestar box sets to 4-packs. The last four sets were five. I wonder why that is. Maybe to keep them like all the other properties? You would think they would sneak a Cylon in there somewhere.

    Give me more Cylons I say.

    I'm a little disappointed they've gone from 5 figures down to 4 figures in a set. Even a retread of one of the Cylon robots would've been something. However, I am super excited about this set - ELLEN! LEOBEN! Two fantastic, much-needed additions to the BSG 'mates. Yay!

    As far as main characters go - we're really only missing a few: Natalie Six, Tory Foster, Anders and Cavill are the only top-tier characters that come to mind who haven't been produced from recent seasons.

    There are also some supporting folks I'd like to see before the line ends: Billy, Simon, Doral and Seelix.

  5. I got Christine Chapel & Dr. McCoy yesterday.

    I gotta say - Chapel is the purtiest lil 'mate in my collection. I really love the way her face & hair came out And the blue really complements the other colors. The dress itself looks pretty damn cute, too. She & Bones are now on my desk at work, ready to attend to any emergencies. :banana:

  6. It is so strange that people on this board are always going "when the show is over, so are the mates." I don't understand how this is the case. Wave two and three came out when there were no episodes being aired, wave one came out at the end of season three on television. Honestly, when was the last time Star Trak had a new series on TV or when was the last BTTF movie? Seriously guys, Battlestar is a cult hit and as long as the same fans who loved the show continue to buy the toys it can be a long time before they stop making mates. Anyway, The minimates seem to be the only successful line of Battlestar Toys from Diamond, The Busts got cancelled, the Statues are in no high demand and the action figures seemed to stopped selling in general (most online stores seem to have them on clearance, and TRU Canada has sold barely any across the country).

    Besides, once a show is over it is not like that is the end. There are novels, comic series and even a whole new show based in the same universe in the making. Just as long as you stay a fan and want to complete the series, keep on buying them and they will keep on making them. We have Classic Battlestar Mates, when was the last time there was anything new for that Universe? I have not seen Richard Hatch write a new book since the new series began.

    Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to say that my fellow BSG fans need to have a little faith and to be truly dedicated once the show is finished if they want to continue the fictional life that is Battlestar Galactica.

    So, after your thrilling rant you couldn't at least come up with a wishlist?


  7. So, knowing that BSG will be showing 11 episodes in '08, and 11 in '09, it seems like our BSG 'mates may continue to have life in them since the series is still on the air for another year (which is the ONLY positive I can derive from the way that SciFi drags these seasons out).


    "Natalie" Six






    Simon (least interested in him, but I guess we might as well have 'em all)


    Ellen Tigh

    Billy Kekaya

    Diana Seelix


    Hot Dog


    But yeah - I gotta have a Natalie Six, a Tory, an Anders & A Leoben. Throw in Ellen Tigh, and I'm pretty happy.

  8. Sorry if people are taking my post wrong, I'm not blaming DST for making these, or saying that there isn't a market for them either. I was just saying in my hyperbolic way that I HATE Madonna more than Satan, and it pissed me off on a personal level to see these. I understand others may like them and should be allowed to buy them.

    It does disturb me though, that DST is willing to take a chance on these, when they haven't had similar faith in the past for some things that I would have loved to see.

    Ultimately this has as much a right to be made as any of the other movie mates or music mates that have been released or that I would like released in the future, but I just feel like even though Ozzy and KISS fans are a smaller group than Madonna fans, they are a group that is more likely to by toys or other plastic memorabilia. I know very few if any Madonna fans who wouldn't think minimates were childish.

    Okay. I retract my previous post of annoyance about your post of annoyance. ;)

    I am a Madonna fan. And I heart Minimates (they are the only toys in my collection I did not sell off when I recently EBayed EVERYTHING). So, we exist!! (The Madonna/Mate fans). :D

  9. This is a moral atrocity!!!

    ...not the smoking, or scuplted boobs, or corrupting the children or anything like that. That they would make a Madonna minimate, she's an ugly, talentless, hypocritical hussie, whose career should never have started, and certaintly shouldn't being continuing into her sixties or however old she is these days. The product looks to be of great quality, but there is no way I'd even think about buying this set.

    Think of all the great minimates that have gotten canned over the years, C3, Street Fighter, I Robot, etc, etc. Those were apparently unmarketable, but Madonna minimates from some 80's movie that few people have probably everseen, much less collectors, oh, that'll sell like hotcakes. PLEASE!

    You seem like a whiney creep.

    Just sayin'...

  10. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge minimates fan but both these waves leave me totally cold with the exception of Kor. Unless I can pick him up loose I'll be missing all of these out.

    Roll on waves 4 and 5 of trek - I'll be getting all of those plus variants!

    How can the addition of President Roslin leave you cold? She's one of the central characters in th BSG universe! :biggrin:

  11. Perhaps one of my favorite things about BSG is the total lack of duplicates of primary characters....

    Though Starbuck is easily the award winner with 3 versions, that is far less than the multitude of Kirks, Spocks and Marty McFly's in fewer waves of those collections.

    THe only other that is close are the Sixes, but they're all different people that happen to look the same.

    Otherwise, a few characters max out at two versions.

    Hafta agree about BSG.

    Six has 7 variants, but a number of them are actually different entities, (Six in the Red Dress, Caprica Six, Gina, "Razor" Six w/ the white coat) - so it works. Kobol Six is pretty much a variant on Six in the Red Dress, but it is a look from the first season finale in which she potentially foretold a prophecy. Important stuff, and fine by me as a variant. Gina's upcoming 2nd version from the "Razor" line is welcome, for me. It's a look she sported for a miniseries, and depicts her in her Pegasus uniform! The only Six that seems like overkill to me thus far is the upcoming Dead Six in the white coat. Not sure about that one at all...

    Athena/Boomer has two versions - but again, these represent two different (and very important) characters.

    Starbuck & Apollo's variants are great - in their two main uniforms: Pilot/Dress Blues. Outfits we've seen them in quite a bit.

    Baltar is probably the only BSG retread I think is a little maxed out, at this point. The first version was great, and I surely don't mind the version of him in a lab coat that is arriving in Series 4. But I think the miniseries variant is sorta pushing it. Now we have two Baltar's in suits. Um...wahoo?

    Aside from Baltar & the upcoming Dead Six in the white coat from "Razor", I think every figure in the BSG line up has been a solid pick.

    As for Trek? The Mirror, Mirror variants of the main crew (Kirk, Spock, Uhura & Sulu) are really great choices. A memorable episode, and memorable looks for the main cast. I surely wouldn't mind seeing more boxed sets like this, if DST wants to give us continued variants of characters like Kirk & Spock (Maybe "Plato's Stepchildren" w/ Kirk, Spock, Uhura & Chapel in their greek garb?).

    I also don't mind getting characters in their Dress Uniforms (Although we sure do have quite a few already - Kirk, Spock, McCoy), or alternate uniforms (Sisko from Season 1). I mean - I'm not picking them up, but I can see why other collectors would think those variants were important. I can even roll with Kirk in his green "casual shirt" that he wore a number of times...but "Bread & Circuses" Kirk and "Spock's Brain" Spock seem a little on the ridiculous side to me. Neither was a particularly important episode or an important look for the character.

    And, regardless, BSG has four waves, several box sets (plus two more box sets based on "Razor"), a few exclusives (Toyfair Starbuck and the upcoming Kat exclusive) makes sense at this point to have a few duplications of the main characters at this point. But Trek is still SO early - we're only on Wave 3! Way too early for this many Kirks & Spocks (and the ones we've seen headed our way for waves 4 & 5).

    Yikes. I just went on...and on...and on!

  12. Thanks for the pics!

    Roslin & Doc Cottle are both FANTASTIC likenesses.

    Cally's hair is odd. I don't remember her bangs ever being that short. I also think of her hair as quite a bit darker. Oh well. I don't much care for the character anyway, so if they're going to get somebody wrong - I don't mind it being her. ;-)

    A little bored by the multitudes of Kirks & Spocks. This is the kind of wave that kills momentum in a line. DST would've been much better served to place Chapel & Rand in this wave - or Number One and a Talosian from "The Cage" to go with Pike & Vina.

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