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Posts posted by vbpanizzi

  1. Okay, after mulling over it for a while. I liked it, but didn't love it. EMH is a hard act to follow, IM1 was lightning in a bottle, and I think I built up expectations too high.

    But really, EMH spoiled it for me. :/

    What is EMH?

    Extreme Monster Hunters

    Everything Mark Harmon

    Elijah Making Honey

    Elisha Meets Hulk (a love story told in Webheads sig line)

  2. Simply one of the most enjoyable movies ever to watch. Great story, humor, action, it has everything! :thumbsup:

    That is the exact sentiment I had. Not a great movie on the Rebel without a Cause, Inception, or Godfather level, but the most watchable movie I have seen in forever. I can see myself watching this movie many, many times and enjoying it each and every time.

  3. I have noticed that the more bitching there is the more it is just the loud minority. Take the Star Sisters for example, they were seen as a greater success than the Wind Raider and the Sisters had the loudest opposition since Mo-Lar, where as the Wind Raider was only blasted for selling out.

    The next month is Stinkor (Awesome) and Slushhead (has potential). He-man will be constantly available(I think it is one of the ways they are offsetting the cost of the line.)

  4. Now that you ask it that way I am not sure which it was I just know it was a boss that normally was not there. It was chapter 3 - 5 at the end I was able to fight 3xDooms. I used Spider-Man in all the boss and mini-boss fights. I don't know if that triggered it as I have yet to try to replicate the end.

  5. Had my first Mega Boss fight tonight. That was kind of cool. Turtle I just added you. I barely do the PvP as there is little reward to it, which is sad. It is a good way to try out different character combos, but other than that it doesn't really have much draw.

  6. My first was Scareglow, and he's definitely in my Top 5; favorites are him, Optikk, Mo-larr, King Hsss, and my favorite is Chief Carnivus. Faceless One and Battleground Evil-lyn are the runners-up haha. They're all such great figures.

    I go on He-Man.Org a lot and I think you may be the only person I have seen say they love Mo-larr. I have seen people myself included that like him, but I would not put him in even the top half. I do remember you being excited for Optikk, is this because you like the NA cartoon? Scareglow is my favorite figure from the vintage and the Classics. I actually have a test shot of the Classics, it is amazing.

  7. I realized the other day there are only a few characters left that I really want that have not been announced: Ram Man, Jitsu, Rattlor, Two-Bad, and the Horde Trooper. If it wasn't for my wife's love of She-ra and Princess of Power, I would probably become a cherry picker. No matter what though these figures continuously blow me away, regardless of how much I want them. Some characters that I was ho-hum about originally, have become my favorites, like Optik.

  8. What about top 8 spots are those characters who have the most figures, and then the bottom 8 are electoral. Thus we get both the Popular and the Favorites an equal chance. I am currently working on the #s part. Unless someone knows a much easier way of looking up this info, or has it accessable.

    Edit: If we go just number of mates currently available the breakdown goes like this. Interesting fact I realized while doing this, there has never been a specialty shop (aka basic wave) release of Magneto.

    #1s # of variations (not including movie versions)

    Spider-Man 37

    Wolverine 34

    Iron Man 24

    Capt. America 21


    Hulk 15

    Cyclops 13

    Thor 12

    Jean Grey 12


    Thing 10

    Daredevil 9

    Deadpool 8

    Angel 8

    #4s (obviously it could be debated that Norman or Eric is a 3 not Dp or Angel)

    Norman Osborne 8

    Magneto 8

    Venom 6

    Storm 6

    #5s (see above argument)

    Iceman 6

    Beast 6

    Dr. Doom 5

    Invisble Woman 5


    Mr. Fantastic 5

    Spider-Woman 5

    Sabretooth 5

    Human Torch 4


    Rogue 4

    Psylock 4

    Hank Pym 4

    Elektra 3


    Bullseye 3

    Emma Frost 3

    Cable 3

    Loki 3

    There are atleast 2 hangerons that would have to be dealt with

    Professor X 3

    Namor 3

    The other way we could do this is one half the bracket is based on #s and other is determined by election.

  9. How about we use the number of mates of each character be the seeding. AKA Since Iron Man has the most variations He is a 1 seed. So the 4 characters that have the most variations are the 4 #1 seeds. We can continue this trend for all of the characters down to the 15 and 16 seeds which can be the one offs, and thus represent the cinderellas.

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