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Posts posted by Pete

  1. I apologize for being slightly off-topic, but Steven Anne on Twitter just asked if there were any minimate fans out there. For those of you who don't know, he is the toy buyer for Walgreens. If you have a Twitter account, I would definitely endorse making your voice known to him. @stevenganne

    You should put this in a thread of its own.

  2. Good point about April. :(

    Hopefully Iron Spidey will have the arms I can add to comic Iron Spidey.

    Can't believe he never came with them originally.

    It's like having Doc Oc without tentacles.

    I'll still reserve judgement until I see them, might be too cool to pass up on.

    I'm all for new properties or different branches of Marvel, such as cartoon and movie, just wish it didn't come at a cost of a comic wave.

  3. I just hope they won't look too out of place when displayed alongside regular comic Minimates.

    I'll probably pass if they're too cartoony, but will have to see them first.

  4. I thought these were a lot closer, but packaging is just being done now, so it'll be a while yet. So don't expect an announcement any time soon.

    But the perfect time to start dropping clues?

  5. Here's a recent post from Zach in this thread...

    and also im just sayin that alot of people would be happy and it would fill out the ranks of characters if dst made 2 exclusive boxets

    road to dc set 1

    camo jacket Abraham

    Cannibalized dale

    better mullet and jacket Eugene

    Father Gabriel

    road to dc set 2





    A few of those are in Series 8!

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