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Posts posted by captain_cbecker

  1. This is just heart-breaking. Especially since had the line ended after the next two waves, then things could be considered somewhat complete.

    I can't say whose fault all this is, but I'm losing a lot of faith in MiniMates as a line. After losing LotR, DC, 24, Rocky, Star Trek, and BSG, I'm just not sure I want to keep going with things outside of Marvel. I mean, I invest a lot of excitement and spirit into these lines, only to have them cut off midway through while still very incomplete. Not to mention the money I put in. I have no desire to display an incomplete line. At least with Trek, we got the entire TOS bridge crew, but what do I care about just displaying a Sisko or Picard? It makes me feel like I've wasted my money on these lines when there's no commitment to get them complete.

    I get that DST has to make ends meet, and maybe I should appreciate what I get, but I'm not in it to be a guinea pig for lines. Take the money that goes into dead ends like Silence of the Lambs or the Man with No Name or most all of these other movie lines, and put it into lines like BSG or Trek. It just feels like they'd rather halfway do a bunch of lines than go whole hog with a few.

    Ugh, I guess I'm just having trouble with the whole situation, and it's shaking my foundation in 'Mates as a whole. I've been buying these dudes since 3" Trek, so I'm not a fairweather fan, either.

    Agreed -

    I don't know if DST isn't spending enough effort marketing or finding the right retail channels, or if there is really just no interest in these products. This problem doesn't seem limited to minimates though - since a similar problem occurred with the AA Enterprise 7" characters... 1/2 through a complete set, fans are dangling without principal characters - in some cases there was a build-a bridge set and they aborted before completing, leaving fans with about 3/5 of a Enterprise bridge. Though I am not a completist, in terms of a full product line, I am a completist with regard to things like bridge crews and the BSG cast. I have diligently been out there placing pre-orders as early as possible, in order to make sure that I can get sets to complete my collections. I kinda feel hosed on this so close to the end and likewise with only Picard to show for TNG, Sisko for DS9 and Kirk & Scotty for TWOK.

    I find it funny that the original announcements hinted that the line wasn't complete w/o the cylons - but as they're spinning their answers in the Q & A, they really think they've done a good job of rounding out the cast...

    I really hope they can rescue at least the cylons at Toyfair.

    You see, this is where i differ from a lot of you. I probably haven't helped the line, but i NEVER pre-order anything, and for these reasons. You just can't be sure anymore. Also, i think DST is relying too much on pre-orders these days, especially on the specialty market. Some of us just like LCSmates or don't trust the internet (i'm the first of the two), and just because pre-orders are low is not a real reason to hold and entire two waves and a box set. Hell, i hardly ever buy full waves at one time, and if i go to buy more (such as a case) i can't afford 60-something all at one time, mostly for packs i DON'T want more of. I know i'm still just a teen and i really don't have a full grasp on market-know-how or cash and stocks and crap, but seriously DST; you may be giving us something beautiful (i hope) at ToyFair, but this wasn't one of your better ideas. Shame it WAS one of your better lines.

    This makes an interesting point...

    DST obviously looks to pre-sales as a means to gauge a line's viability... and given that the internet, including the DST website, are big conduits for pre-sales, there isn't much to entice an LCS to buy a lot of items for stock - partially because they know that many hardcore fanse are pre-ordering, partially because e-commerce is very popular and partially because they cannot rely on their orders being filled (in the case of a cancelled line). Even worse, the places that may be inclined to carry ST and BSG mates (and LOTR, 24, Rocky) or may have a better fit for those lines (Suncoast, FYE, Urban Outfitters) are not the types of places that place orders from Previews, nor are they particularly amenable to taking requests from their customers.

  2. This is just heart-breaking. Especially since had the line ended after the next two waves, then things could be considered somewhat complete.

    I can't say whose fault all this is, but I'm losing a lot of faith in MiniMates as a line. After losing LotR, DC, 24, Rocky, Star Trek, and BSG, I'm just not sure I want to keep going with things outside of Marvel. I mean, I invest a lot of excitement and spirit into these lines, only to have them cut off midway through while still very incomplete. Not to mention the money I put in. I have no desire to display an incomplete line. At least with Trek, we got the entire TOS bridge crew, but what do I care about just displaying a Sisko or Picard? It makes me feel like I've wasted my money on these lines when there's no commitment to get them complete.

    I get that DST has to make ends meet, and maybe I should appreciate what I get, but I'm not in it to be a guinea pig for lines. Take the money that goes into dead ends like Silence of the Lambs or the Man with No Name or most all of these other movie lines, and put it into lines like BSG or Trek. It just feels like they'd rather halfway do a bunch of lines than go whole hog with a few.

    Ugh, I guess I'm just having trouble with the whole situation, and it's shaking my foundation in 'Mates as a whole. I've been buying these dudes since 3" Trek, so I'm not a fairweather fan, either.

    Agreed -

    I don't know if DST isn't spending enough effort marketing or finding the right retail channels, or if there is really just no interest in these products. This problem doesn't seem limited to minimates though - since a similar problem occurred with the AA Enterprise 7" characters... 1/2 through a complete set, fans are dangling without principal characters - in some cases there was a build-a bridge set and they aborted before completing, leaving fans with about 3/5 of a Enterprise bridge. Though I am not a completist, in terms of a full product line, I am a completist with regard to things like bridge crews and the BSG cast. I have diligently been out there placing pre-orders as early as possible, in order to make sure that I can get sets to complete my collections. I kinda feel hosed on this so close to the end and likewise with only Picard to show for TNG, Sisko for DS9 and Kirk & Scotty for TWOK.

    I find it funny that the original announcements hinted that the line wasn't complete w/o the cylons - but as they're spinning their answers in the Q & A, they really think they've done a good job of rounding out the cast...

    I really hope they can rescue at least the cylons at Toyfair.

  3. So Baltar always knew since season one. I was right after all on who the last Cylon was. -does a little dance-

    What the Hell is the point of a "discussion thread" if we are not allowed to discuss what's been seen? This is frak'n stupid. I move that all who are so concerned with having plots spoiled simply use a bit of self restraint and stay away from potential spoiler threads. Problem solved. The frak'n title alone should be a tip-off to the overly-cautious! Anyway, I'll attempt to play nice until logic prevails....

    Wasn't that just a mind-frak of an episode?! So everyone on Earth was of Cylon decent (how 'bout that bitch'n Guardian head that was dug-up...very cool.)? What the Hell is Starbuck anyway? Why, Dee, why? I too, guessed who the fifth Cylon was and am now even more pissed about the cancellation of the New Caprica box set...salt-in-the-wound. Though it does seem weird that all of the Cylons seemed to be "hooking-up" with a Human (if even subconsciously), why would Ellen have been paired with Tigh then (if they're both Cylons)? Could there be yet another plot-twist occurring? Dee's bizarre suicide does seem suspicious...hmmm. Perhaps we really don't know just yet who the fifth and final Cylon is? There are 9 more episodes to go. This is a part of what I love so much about this series, even when they shove the answer in your face, there are so many grey areas that you're still left thinking "No, is that right? Is this just another red-herring?" LOL Best-Science Fiction-Series-Ever!!! Whew, I just finished watching the new episode a few hours ago and I'm still amped! So much to discuss, sooo many questions, but I'll refrain for now and just say "WOW!" I can't wait until next Friday; it's almost as frustrating as the long wait for this episode, even though it's only one week. AAaaaaargghh!!

    There! I feel so dirty keeping secrets *tee-hee*

    That was a great episode (start long and lingering black box)

    - I too am confused about Starbuck - I thought she'd be the final cylon, especially since she died in the crash and was resurrected. I'm a little surprised by Ellen as the final - but I'm sure that was the point. I thought it might be Dee

    I think we're gonna see the field get cleared pretty quickly from here on out - Dee is out. I'm not sure if we've heard the last of Three/D'Anna, but if we have, then that's another out. It certainly seems that Zarek may get a little lead poisoning or something next week - I wouldn't rule out a a few more people getting blown out and putting more focus on the main characters.

    I wonder if the Razor cylons are somehow related the 13th colony and that's why they knew Starbuck was the harbinger of death.

    (End irritating Black Box) - Lots to look forward to. Let's hope DST has been holding their breath on the last wave of mates becasue either (A) Something changed (secret ending) and they are re-packaging to address changes to the plotline or (B) A scaled back version is going to be proposed, but the assortment may have leaked some important plot info. Let's cross our fingures.

  4. With all the hype and press the final 10 episodes of BSG are getting, I'd think it would be a great time to get out there and try to hit the market with these. All the NBC-owned channels are advertising and there are several specials and web-isodes and what-not. I would think that this is the time to strike, while the proverbial iron is hot, even if it meant re-soliciting the line.

    Afterall, it seems that the BSG large figures are doing well... both of the TRU's around here have been cleaned out of the new figure assortment.

    Curiously, MMHQ quotes an unnamed source that won't confirm cancellation, but say to keep an eye on the AA website - which may suggest that something is coming - maybe through TRU or re-hashed assortment or something... at least I'd like to think that's the case.

  5. And did you really not know about the Star Trek reboot movie? Wow... What cave have you been living in for the last year or two? The new movie looks amazing.

    *Open to debate, of course*

    Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) as Spock looks like an inspired choice, but I'm still not sure if Chris Pine can really pull off the youth and swagger of James T. Kirk.

    I'm interested to see Simon Pegg as Scotty...

  6. post-638-1231609996_thumb.jpg post-638-1231610061_thumb.jpg I include the pictures of BSG Waves 5 & 6 & to be perfectly honest, with hindsight, all we really needed was some spare heads & about 4 different bodies instead of 2 Waves. I am as disappointed as anybody but the evidence in these 2 pictures is pretty compelling that these figures just aren't individual enough. The 'Captive Six' is completely expendable whilst we get 3 more pilots ,3 guys in suits , 3 civilian women etc. etc.. I am being harsh ,but I 'know' who these characters are but they are hardly going to raise the pulse-rate of an impulse buyer, who doesn't ,are they? I think we have to let 'Aunt May Go' however much we love her :(

    Sadly.. the variants of the Six (especially since Caprica Six from Wave 2 and Captive Six are almost cientical), a fourth Baltar, another Boomer/Three/Athena and a third Apollo, along with a 3rd-tier character like Lampkin are just not too interesting and probably contributed to the demise of the line and lack of interest.

    Honestly, I also think that a lot of the work (and cost) on the Dress Uniform and peeled-off pilots uniform could be jettisoned in favor of existing Pilot bodies or the casual (exclusive Starbuck-type) uniform.

  7. I think they could come close to wrapping the License with a single wave - just to get the final cylons out there, given the economy, 2 waves + a box was too much for some.... right now, I'd settle for a set that has at least left us with a complete set of skin-job cylons (1 of each type) - I'm not interested in another Six or Three... but getting 1 of each model would be great... I think that many of us might be satisfied only with Wave 5 if Natalie and D'Anna were replaced with Leoben and maybe Racetrack or Hotdog... I'd even settle for Hot Dog & Racetrack with the original pilot bodies (to keep costs down). Maybe a 2-pack for those who are looking for the Tighs, or Kara or a couple of the desireable-but-duplicate characters.

    How about this as a final wave:

    Doral & Simon

    Tori & Leoben

    Cavil & Anders

    Cavil & Racetrack (variant) w/ extra Hot Dog Head & Hair (for those of us with more than a few Pilot Bodies around)

    Perhaps of this were scaled back, it might fly?? Any thoughts?

  8. T2 makes more sense than X-Files... Especially since it's been leaked already by our spoiler friends at BBTS who seem to get the jump on all the news.

    As interesting as X-Files is, it doesn't make sense to try to resurrect the toy line this late after the movie - considering that the 2nd movie tanked and the Palz line wasn't exactly a great seller.

    Our recent revelations about BSG, which suggest that these ho-hum(an) characters (along w/ 24 and others) don't do all that hot in the marketplace, aren't consistent with the new release of a line of characters that could be easily confused with a team of auditors, albeit gun-toting auditors with strange alien friends.

    The clues from AA were a fun tease though.

  9. This absolutely sucks donkey balls!


    My feelings on this are still overshadowed however, by the continual delay of DST's 6" Star Trek TNG Wave 5, which is now about 18 months late..and counting


    I thought I was the only one here waiting for this... I am so unimpressed that they mismanaged that wave so badly... and the recent news is that the Nemesis Crusher that is included in the wave, got the wrong head sculpt. Was supposed to be out today as a matter of fact (like the 15th release date??), but I haven't heard or seen anything

    Finally got the ship notice on these today - I think this was the longest pre-order I've endured.... almost 2 years, considering that they were originally due in AUg or Set of 2007

  10. Since I'm not a completist, my tolerance for pain varies based on the individual mate or license.

    I'd pay up to the current list price ($7-$8 for a 2-pack / $15-$20 for a box set / $5 for a 1-pack) or a couple bucks over, plus shipping for a license that I really liked and wanted... like ST, BSG, BTTF, Clint Eastwood, SOTL etc.

    I wouldn't go over list price on most Marvel - and to pay list, it would have to be something I really thought was well done or eye-catching, like the Iron Man Movie Wave. Otherwise, I'd start considering at 25% off, depending on character. I rarely pay to ship and will try to find these at a shop first.

    Other stuff, like Rocky or 24 I might pay list, but I'd probably wait to see if I could pick it up for less... and I probably wouldn't pay to ship unless I really got a good deal.

    DC Mates would have to be really on sale (like 50% off list) for me to even consider.

    As for the super-exclusives (Gold/Silver/Santa Spidey, Santa Cylon, Elf Spock) - I track the auctions to see how high they get, but I'd never spend more than about $10 for any single mate - $350 is much too rich for me - I'll leave those for you guys who can appreciate them (and don't have a wife and family to answer to)

  11. Is anyone amused by the fact this is a fluff piece by DST for DST and you guys are debating the merits of top 5 positions :)


    I don't think any of us have any illusions that this is anything but DST blowing their horns -

    However, given the vast list of releases, it's still interesting to discuss the things they "chose" in relation to our own observations & preferences... as well as the fact that they seem to be broadcasting slightly conflicting messages.

  12. Yeah, I saw that - considering how highly they spoke of BSG Wave 4 & the Razor packs, that they couldn't do something to end the line on a positive note and wrap up the loose ends (I thought a lot of those sculpts were as nice as wave 4)

    It's nice to see that so many 'mate lines rated, though the Iron Man movie line, especially with the candy-apple red paint, would have been worth a mention

    As far as the action figure part of the list: I also picked up the 7" TRU Cylon a couple of weeks ago - which is really a nice piece of work, given all the articulation and parts.

  13. Tom Hanks movies, perhaps?


    yeah - 'cause Tom Hanks' movies are soooo much better than Desperately Seeking Susan.

    All kidding aside, I remember one of the Q & A's mentioning that serious thought was given to Jaws... I'd like to see that

    Unfortunately I have to agree with the masses - this is not gonna be a great year for 'mates. I foresee little on the ST front - maybe a couple of waves (if we're lucky), BSG died on the table and I'd bet that the T2 set ends up on the shelf too. It'd be my call that DST brings a handful of Marvel movie stuff to Toyfare, and little else.

    On a semi-related note - if the economy is so bad, who's gonna have $$$ for all those $80 ultimate quarter scale figures or the $2,300 replica Enterprise Captain's chair. I'd bet that the small ticket things would be a better bet when money is tight.

  14. I was indeed speaking from my perspective, and continuing the general conversation that several of us are losing interest in 'mates (myself included) with the diminishing selection of licenses...

    The popularity of Marvel is a symptom of DST's challenges - they only really have comic book stores as a distribution channel - many of which have no interest in other licenses... at least 3 or 4 places that I have shopped will only deal with the comic book mates - no ST, BSG or any of the others. Regrettably, none of the non-comic licenses will do well so long as the distribution network is favore comic book/superhero characters

    Did you ask those stores if they would order minimates for you? almost every comic store will place an order if you ask for something.

    A simple fact... all toy lines die eventually... I think DST as much as anyone are surprised that marvel minimates are 24 waves in and still going strong. The simple line Chuck repeats endlessly is " If you keep buying them then we will keep making them". DC Minimates (According to DCD) were not popular enough to support a line and those were sold in comic stores so the distribution channels are not the only issue here.

    Despite our small community Minimates are not always loved by mainstream tastes and like almost all collectables that go into mainstream stores like FYE, Sam Goody, Target or Hot Topic etc they usually end up on sale or clearance... In those enviroments people don't buy them except for the odd impulse purchase... they go to those stores for DVD's and CD's not toys. Impulse purchases will not be enough to support a line.

    Where would you sell them? Where do BSG fans go to buy toys? ( Other than the multitude of online stores which you seem to be ignoring that carry every line of minimates equally) Do BSG fans buy collectables in enough numbers to support them or any toyline?


    The only place I can visit regularly (weekly-ish) will only special order for people who are part of their "Comic-Saver club"... that is, they must have at least 12 active comic subscriptions on order at any time. That's not me. Other places I visit are usually for more impulse minimate buying (when I happen to be nearby) and they all have said that they only order comic-related merchandise. Even with the lack of local outlets, I can usually buy online and pre-order as they become available. I make sure BBTS, AFX or all get my business - that's not really the issue. I'm doing my part to get these from direct distributors and placing pre-orders to show my interest.

    I think that for these to move mainstream volumes, they have to be consistently in places that are not so specialized (unlike comic stores), and get walk-in traffic like Suncoast, Sam Goody, Virgin Megastore, FYE, Urban Outfitters, Blockbuster, Borders, Spencers, Hot Topic or places that they may be seen by someone who is not necessarily "looking" for them or where people are shopping for gifts (especially DVD's or related items) for people who like 24, Rocky, BSG etc. Comic book stores are too specialized to get the attention of impulse buyers or walk-in traffic and shopping online is for people who are looking for something in particular (and are searching accordingly). Even places like the online stores for Sci-Fi Channel would possibly generate enough interest. What I am saying is that using comic book stores and the toy trade magazines (Toyfare, Previews) has proven that the distribution base for TV/Movies-based toys needs to be more substatantial. For example - my family knows that I like Star Trek - my brother would not seek out a comic store to shop for my birthday, but he happened upon the Limited Edition collection of Star Trek Pez dispensers at Target - which he instantly knew would be something I would like. Had that been a set of ST minimates, he may have purchased them instead, knowing that I liked ST - however, if that same dispenser set was only available online or at a comic book store, he would not have known it existed, much less purchased it. It is about getting these in front of as many people as possible, to find your market and increase interest.

    As for the line dying - I think we all expected this line to die eventually, since the TV show had only a 4 season life span. I think what is most frustrating is that the plug got silently pulled this close to the end with only a dozen or so figures away from completion.

  15. Unless Toyfair brings good things, DST hasn't thrown anything out for ST and with BSG dead (or dying), there are no other properties that have been announced, other than T2 and the Marvel stuff. None of which is particularly fascinating.

    To you...

    I was indeed speaking from my perspective, and continuing the general conversation that several of us are losing interest in 'mates (myself included) with the diminishing selection of licenses...

    The popularity of Marvel is a symptom of DST's challenges - they only really have comic book stores as a distribution channel - many of which have no interest in other licenses... at least 3 or 4 places that I have shopped will only deal with the comic book mates - no ST, BSG or any of the others. Regrettably, none of the non-comic licenses will do well so long as the distribution network is favore comic book/superhero characters

  16. As for those waiting for official word from DST go post in the Q&A at AA because they wont say anything unless prompted, even then I will paraphrase what I expect Chuck will say "BSG has been put on hold due to a lack of interest from retailers, the line isn't cancelled, never say never but it's happening right now."


    I want to argue with you dammit but I know your right... about most of it. Answer me this though please..... doesn't somebody at DST/AA think about all these things before they plough on? I almost predict your answer however!

    I e-mailed when they disappeared off the ship list and submitted to the Q & A when they disappeared off of the DST website... no reply on either

  17. Sadly, if all we can look forward to in the future is Marvel mates, I think I'm pretty much done with minimates...

    That comment basically sums up how serious this is . How strong is the feeling for Star Trek Minimates ? I would rather have lost that line & they may very well be next if my mood swings to pessimism again after optimistically clasping at the TRU straw.

    Unless Toyfair brings good things, DST hasn't thrown anything out for ST and with BSG dead (or dying), there are no other properties that have been announced, other than T2 and the Marvel stuff. None of which is particularly fascinating.

  18. AFX are showing diddly & BBTS are still offering them for Pre-Order......they are dead :(

    It's annoying that the Art Asylum Blog is great for 'Births & Marriages' but they always seem to leave the Retailers to announce the 'Deaths'.

    Funny how our "friends" at DST can manage to show up and "crow" about their little coups (like the TRU release), but when it comes to burrying the dead, we all get hung out to dry.

    If the economy is such an issue, maybe this shouldn't have been such a mammoth release all at once - I think many of us would have liked to get the final cylons without the extra versions of Baltar, Six, D'Anna and Apollo. Maybe this would have gone better if it weren't 2 sets plus a bx all at once. That's like a $100 hit for all sets.

    I know I would've been happy with Simon, Cavil, Leoben, Tory, Anders, Doral, Hot Dog & Racetrack - if the set were cut to one Wave, plus maybe a box or 2-pack, then it's a lot less $$ all at once.

    Sadly, if all we can look forward to in the future is Marvel mates, I think I'm pretty much done with minimates...

  19. I'm still gonna hold out hope until we hear something " official" :wallbash:

    I e-mailed them when I noticed that they were dropped of the ship list at the AA site.

    So far, no reply after almost 2 weeks.

    Maybe they'll try and peddle them at TRU if Minimate and the BSG 7" sales are good... but it looks pretty dire.

    That frakkin' sucks big time!

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