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Posts posted by JediJohnson

  1. 11 hours ago, DSTZach said:



    We'll, I've got a lot of muscles, and I've only got one eye, but I'll never hurts nobody, and I'll never violate a non-disclosure agreement.

    Hulk, Nick Fury, and Pepper Potts confirmed!

  2. 1 hour ago, Mattallica said:

    Has it ever been stated that comic Domino is an albino? she doesnt appear to have any other albino traits. 

    Um...I didn't say that Domino was albino.  I said that an actress with Domino's skin color would have to be an albino to be naturally occurring.  Which is what the conversation seemed to be about:  Comicbook characters should be portrayed by actors with the same naturally occurring skin tones.  Despite the peculiarities of comicbook coloring, Domino is clearly portrayed as having unusually white skin, as opposed to a Caucasian coloration of "white".  Thus, as with Nightcrawler, there's a really bad chance of her being portrayed by an actress with the same skin tone.

  3. But....there aren't that many albino actresses out there, right?  Domino's comicbook skin color doesn't occur naturally all that often.  So, even a "white" (Caucasian) actress wouldn't be comicbook accurate, or, really, on the color spectrum, all that close.

    Personally don't care about skin color; I'm more concerned about character portrayal (Ned Leeds in Homecoming is Ganke, and should have been named such), and placement in the timeline (MJ doesn't meet Peter in high school (and Michelle shouldn't have the same nickname, even as an easter egg)).

    The majority of the comicbook characters portrayed in movies weren't "born" yesterday.  Unless you're making a period piece, those origins and such need an update.

  4. From what I read:

    Current movie deal will run out; at end of agreement, mouse house movies go exclusive to Disney Streaming service.

    Currently, Marvel Netflix shows are not affected.  Different contract.  Obviously, could change in future.

    Disney Streaming will have Disney movies and broadcast tv properties; new exclusive movies/shows to be developed.


  5. 15 hours ago, Mirymate said:

    As long as you guys weren't breaking Super Powers, best 80's action figure line period, I won't have to come hurt you. :batter:

    And I guess it depends on the Action Feature... my 12" Steve Austin with the bionic eye you could look through was pretty darn cool (the Six Million Dollar Man, for those of you under 40). As was the 8" GI Joe with Kung-FU gripe... Or Super Joe Commander with the 1-2-punch... yeah... I'm old.

    And I'm guess the original MotU just drove you nuts, huh?

    re: Steve Austin:  definitely.  However, I am now torn as to whether I appreciated the button on his back to make his arm lift the car engine....


    re: GI Joe:  I would hate to see modern figures come with Kung-FU gripes....voice features are expensive,  and there are enough whiny snowflakes around.  Kung-Fu heroes should not have 99 first world problems!

  6. Just read that Timm-verse Superman figures are coming in 6", now I want to get the Timm-verse Worlds Finest.

    Can anyone point out how to be certain you are getting an Improved Batman release, instead of the 1st release?  I would most likely purchase off of Amazon.

    There are obviously a couple of costume variations; is one of these sure to be "better" articulation than another?


  7. I find it strange to compare the Adam West Batman to any other Batman.  His was the most unique interpretation of the character; to the point where it's almost a different character.  All the Bat-men that followed were of the same mold:  variations of dark, brooding. 

    RIP Adam West.  But, we'll see you soon, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.

  8. 15th Anniversary; Waves 1,2,3 were released about the same time.

    Wave 3 was Ultimate X-Men, so probably not a contender.

    Wave 2 was Spider-man, DST always luvs them some Spidey.

    Wave 1 was Mostly Daredevil, with a Hulk pack thrown in.

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