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Posts posted by featofstrength

  1. I think its more a matter of the heavy-handed approach to diversity. They even point out that they're being diverse in the product description.

    I'm all for a diverse line. With all the extra parts packed in with the figures, I'm surprised they didn't just toss in a few extra heads in the TRU so we could do the part swap ourselves.

    Exactly. The heavy-handedness just seems counterproductive to the overall goal of achieving equality.

    the word "diversity"...a constant reminder to keep that long-ago forged line of division running deep, from people that see us all as numbers on a page anyway.

  2. Whilst typing the following I noticed Rad's post ......mine is not a direct reply to his comments ;)

    I just thank my lucky stars that I live in the UK that the BBC depicts in virtually every TV show I watch. I am safe in the knowledge that most of our judges are either black or female ,50% of our police & armed forces are black ........ just about everybody in a uniform or authority is . The other 50% are perhaps gay? Who are they kidding ?

    If you believe my comments to be racist or bigotted :no: then I have failed to convey my point which is that the BBC makes a mockery of the reality by its farcical political correctness.

    I noticed this "in ya face" approach with Torchwood and the Tenth Doctor's run of Doctor Who

  3. AFX's blog says they will reveal their SDCC exclusives tomorrow. There is one Marvel and one Ghostbusters boxset.

    What's left to release from Ghosbusters??? :huh:

    Janine and those civillian busters from that pic. Not the ones from We're Ready to Believe You. But the other guys.

    yeah...where's plaid shirt Winston with GB1 Janine for an awesome interview scene 2 pack? :P

  4. all of wave 3 looks to be in stock on tru's site as of 7:30 am

    Damn it... I knew that was gonna happen. I already ordered the 1st 2 packs, but it's too late to cancel my order, and I don't want to pay another $5 to ship the other 2... crap. Stupid impatience.


    I did the same thing, man. Impatience though? Cant be too careful with some exclusives. TRU f*cking sucks.

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