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Posts posted by Zombieboyfiend

  1. Well my in laws paid for plane tickets/FF tickets to Las Vegas for the SOE Fan Faire 2008 for me and the wife. At first I was iffy on it even though it looked good because of only having 4 powers. But you can trade out powers with those 4. The character was one that someone else made and all of the powers I played with were fire based. I was fighting along side Superman and Batman against the likes of Bazarro and Lex Luther (I tossed him a few blocks away). On that level or was it called an area Brainiac had taken over human with a virus and if there were more people we could of tried to take down his "mothership". I played it for a short time on the ps3 there was a line at the time I was there. You don't die you just get knocked out for a little while (most I saw was 5-6 seconds) You can damage the environment but it's only short term (totally love the street damage)

    Here's a video from the show. If I had though of it i could of gotten a small video while I was there sorry.

  2. I could say the same things about USPS. They ended up once not putting the package in the box (had a package holder mail box) nor did they put a notice. I had another package arrive two days later go pick it up at the office and they shipped the other back because I never picked it up. Another was given to the wrong address (bye, bye package). I'll quote them to " We don't make mistakes". I prefer UPS and Fedex if I have a tracking number so I can watch it. It's all in your preference.

  3. I see filtering as a good thing as long as it is an on/off feature. Heck they do it in movies all the time (even the cruddy ones). To each his own and you darn well better enjoy it. It doesn't make you a wussy to turn it off.

  4. I was telling my wife the other night,

    I have to ask, did you get the obligatory 'invisible eye-roll' that I just assume I am always getting when I mention anything toy related to my wife? It's usually followed by 'Oh, really. That's interesting.', which I know she is always lying about.

    And yes, I think the Beast was the best of the little news we got. Of course, I'm still hoping for him in an original X-Men boxset sometime.

    Or my favorite "I've heard about this for the 3rd time." with the eye roll. Although she has gone out of her way to buy me minimates without me asking in the past. And when her sister's dog ate 1 Defenders boxset, 1 Marvel Zombies boxset, 2 Hobgoblin/Scarlet Spider packs, and 1 Jack Bauer/Nina Myers packs she was upset and promised she would make it up to me. I would love an Original X-Men Boxset (black and yellow and the ones from the Giant Sized X-Men boxset)

  5. I love that we have have a Spiderman 2099. He was one of my favorite characters on the Exiles team. Man that comic was great until Claremont ruined the series. His writing just got worse and worse. Also I think the topic creator meant that we should have gotten other more important characters instead of the ones he listed.

    Funny I agree whole heartedly! I enjoyed the minimate and had read a few early issues of SM2099. And I used to like Claremont but if you think he screwed that up you should read the sequels to the Movie WILLOW. <_<

  6. I'm working my way back to having a readily avaiable net access at the home but the real good news is I got all of my mates back from Oklahoma so I may have some stuff to trade and whatnot.

  7. Spiderman will just make another quick deal with Mephisto or maybe Aunt May will eat Spidys brains or maybe 616 isn't the real Marvel Universe ie the squeaky gate theory (does anyone even remember this reference?).

  8. I heard last Q & A you were throwing around the idea of The Warriors (gitty laugh) how likely will it be to see this set?

    When a company (like AFX) get rights to an exclusive set are they the ones to pick out the figures or are they already picked?

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