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Posts posted by Rad

  1. i ran into the broken Brood leg problem, sent an email to DST, apparently there are no replacement parts available :/

    Well then, that just sucks enormously. 'Hey kids, we made a toy. It'll break straight out of the box and we're not

    going to fix it. But don't worry cos hey, we've got your money now. Mmmm... This Mojito's awesome!'

  2. Figured I'd update this topic with the newest reveal hot out of NYCC! 76005: Spider-Man - Daily Bugle Showdown $49.99, Piece Count: 476, Minifigures: Spider-Man, Doctor Doom, Jonah Jameson, Nova, Beetle What does everyone think?

    What do I think? I think I need to find $50.00 :D

  3. Again, glad that I caught it! :)

    I think some of the paint got dried in those joints, actually. Some of my Brood had no issues, but of the ones that did have that problem... yeah, that's what it was. I did the whole careful jostle and dunked 'em in hot water and they're just fine now.

    Also, thanks for the pic compliment! It's my crappy camera on my phone... but I had to post it, even looking lousy as it does, because I'm so excited about this series!

    I'm really lookin' forward to my Havok/Storm set to add to these guys. :D

    Too late for me, but thanks for posting your advice. I managed to save one of my Brood, but the other has a sheared off post :(

    Also, is it just me or is Wolverine far too yellow? The Brood variant colour scheme looks fine, but regular wolvie should be brown and tan, right?

  4. I rarely get involved with anything 'official' especially when it comes from any government body .....I bin most everything that I'm not legally bound to reply to .....I'm therefore on record as being 'not on record' :biggrin:

    Regards inoculation ,if an inoculation were available then I would figure it would be simpler to inoculate all the cows than all the me when I say that I'll grab a cow & control it... but you are on your own if you want to catch a badger . :thumbsup:

    Yeah, I was referring to the cows. Not Bill, and his mates :D

  5. Rob, respect!

    I've been following this story for years via 'Muckspreader' and 'New Muckspreader' in Private Eye. The Badger cull's been on the cards for donkeys, and one minute there's evidence to support the cull, the next the evidence is being discounted and around we go again. I've always been against a cull. To me inoculation is the key. Yeah it's expensive, but then so were the vast pyre's of cows that littered the countryside earlier this century. I'm assuming you supported the petition against the poll?

  6. Strange Tales is a complete WIN! Keeping with the monster theme of this set, DST could re-use Morbius' bat wing accessories for a future release of...

    Baron Blood.


    Tell me you guys wouldn't want him as part as a complimentary TRU 2-pack.

    Good call, especially if he was packed with Spitfire. So we could complete the Invaders.

  7. Midnight Sons?

    I'm not too familiar, but apart from the Obvious Dr. Strange, there must be Moribius and Man-Wolf, but who's the guy with the bandolier?

    That would be first appearance Blade, in his vampire-hunting glory.

    Cheers dude, glory's a good word to describe it. That's a 70's-tastic looking minimate :D

    Werewolf by night is also great looking. Whole set is cool.

  8. Midnight Sons?

    I'm not too familiar, but apart from the Obvious Dr. Strange, there must be Moribius and Man-Wolf, but who's the guy with the bandolier?

    And of course what I should have done was head over to comic vine, like I just did. That's a great looking set, Zach.

  9. If it's in the rules of his site that it's for 18 and over then he has the right to kick you out.

    Legality doesn't really come into it. Every forum has it's rules and customs and the owners of those sites have every right to

    decide who can, and who cannot be a member of that site. Especially if they're funding it out of their own pocket.

  10. From what I learned in the my history class Muslims take pride in being a suicide bomber. They kill all their unfaithfull people of this world. This act is called jihad. My teacher who has practiced every religion told us that Muslims feel proud when their child is killed doing the jihad. They have a "party" and celebrate their child's transportation to heaven. We went on a school trip too,whose theme was to learn about muslims and the man there told us the same things. They basically exist in the coran.

    That's not true of all Muslims, Kostisfire. The majority of Muslims are decent, devout, peace loving people.

    I'm no expert in any religion, but I don't believe there are any specific phrases in the Koran that incite people to blow

    themselves up in the name of Islam.

    People, can we continue to discuss diversity in Green Lantern, and comics in general, without falling prey to posting generalisations about specific groups of people.

    Thank you.

  11. Very difficult to get a good shot of this guy but here goes .........

    post-638-0-05308100-1339768671_thumb.jpg post-638-0-95846200-1339768708_thumb.jpg post-638-0-93226400-1339768745_thumb.jpg post-638-0-82699700-1339768794_thumb.jpg

    I love this toy but it is so bloody fragile it just wouldn't last 5 minutes otside of a box it's gone straight back into one :(

    The nice comments are an incentive to hunt out more stuff ...I'm currently hunting for my Pink C3 prototype Batmobile .

    Those pics of the Max Spidey covered in Spider-Woman (Spider-Women) are fantastics! Good work, fella.

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