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Posts posted by Rad

  1. but when i asked someone, he said they were all out on the shelves... again i was on my lunch break so didn't have time to deal with their dimness. but i shall be back!

    Standard Geoffrey spiel for 'I can't be f***ed to go and look, go away now'.

  2. I like the 'claw' I think they're part of the charm of minimates. I don't mind when DST come up with variations of the claw like Spock's alternate but full on five finger hand-jobs ;) just look wrong!

    Please note I don't actually like Spock's alternate hand, I just don't mind it being an alternative.

  3. Following an increase in the number of non US based members requesting help sourcing the Toys R Us and other exclusive minimates packs, Minimadman's original assistance thread from last year has been stickied in the flea market.

    Please ensure that once a request for help has been posted, all subsequent communications are conducted by PM. Please don't bombard the thread with trading lists. The thread is there simply for people who have trouble sourcing these exclusives.

    All the regular trading rules apply, Minimate Multiverse and it's staff cannot be held responsible for transactions that do not work out.

    Thanks :)

  4. Maybe the big, sucky X-Factor guy stopping up Cable's gun is another knock.

    Sucky X-Factor guy? Surely you don't mean Strong Guy? Me and you is gonna have a falling out Mr Karamazov! ;)

    Guido's a great character, went from being a background meathead to an essential non-sucky X-factor guy. Peter David used to give him some great Bwah Hah hah moments. It's funny I was just looking at that poster and wondering how DST would ever carry off a Strong Guy Minimate. They'd have to do something akin to Hulkbuster Iron-Man with tons of add on pieces. Now I've thought about it, I want to see it.

  5. I'm hoping for Nightcrawler Colossus and Meggan. The fourth figure should be Kylun. Hell toy-biz made a Kylun back in the day and that was years before they made a Captain Britain. And there just has to a widget.

    This is great news though. I really hope they do it justice or MMC will be... Unhappy. ;)

  6. An awful lot of stuff that comes in from China often has a 'CE' mark .....a cleverly executed variation of the official EU 'CE' mark but with slightly different spacing between the denotes a 'China Export'.

    Look at some of the older Minimates packaging ....I'm not entirely sure which one was on it ;)

    Blimey, you learn something new every day. I still maintain that European orders fell through the floor due to the ridiculous shipping times that were suddenly pushed upon us. I admit though, that I have nothing other than my gut feeling to back that up.

  7. I still think it was down to slow shipping that UK orders dried up. Minimates didn't fly out of my LCS when they used to order them. But they sold steadily and nothing remained on the pegs. That's just one provincial comic shop.

    Forbidden Planet and other chains grey import minimates so there must be some kind of demand for them.

    I also find it hard to believe that CE testing costs are so punitive. Look at all the cheap tat that you only ever seem to find in pound shops. That all has the CE mark on it. Can't legally be sold otherwise.

  8. The whole UK does not want minimates argument is a load of pish.

    Minimates were doing fine here for a while we were getting new waves at the same time as the United States.

    Suddenly the shipments started taking 3 months to reach us.

    At that point, most UK and European members began to grey import. Ergo: Demand via Diamond distribution goes through the floor and DST decide to withdraw minimates from CE testing due to the expense.


    I wonder what Marvel's change of heart on Zombies product is all about? I don't particularly care for more Marvel Zombie 'mates, but it seems strange that they don't want product based on a comic of which they continue to publish needless sequels.

    Too much unsold stock of all the other Zombies statues/busts/action figures, etc?


  9. Ah man, that articulated Oola is great. Almost makes me want to start buying SW again.

    I put away a huge part of my collection recently. Mainly prequel ships and characters. Just have two shelves of Prequel figures and one small shelf of prequel hardware. Everything else is Original Trilogy and it looks much much better.

  10. A word to the wise. It ain't official unless the staff say it is. Just sayin'.

    So DO you say it is? Shall we get the true seal of approval for this?

    It quite patently isn't.

    On-Topic. The character designs were great but the crossover itself was IMO patchy at best. The only bit that I can really remember liking was a twisted version of Dani Moonstar torturing Deadpool (or in the AOA universe Dead Man Wade) over and over again, just for kicks. Other than that it was a bit of a mess.

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