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Posts posted by Arcdeluxe

  1. Since wave 4 had TNG, and wave 5 had DS9, I'm thinking wave 6 will have Voy. Here's my guess:

    VOY: Janeway & Borg Queen (Variant: Janeway with hair bun)

    ST6: Sulu & Chang

    TOS: Space Seed Kirk & Khan

    While we're at it, here's my guess for wave 7:

    ENT: Archer & Shran

    ST2: Spock & Saavik (Variant: Valeris)

    TNG: Geordi & Data

  2. Not happy about this litte quote at all. How much rallying do the Star Trek minimate fans need to do? I wonder if the line is really in danger ...

    Me neither. But I hope we'll at least be able to complete the TNG, DS9 and Voy crew in their 7th season uniforms. That way, we can just mix and match the uniforms to make movie versions. Also, WoK. I could live without the rest.

    What else is there? (other than Enterprise and I want those guys.)

    Well, there's TMP as well, which is in wave 5.

  3. Not happy about this litte quote at all. Show much rallying do the Star Trek minimate fans need to do? I wonder if the line is really in danger ...

    Me neither. But I hope we'll at least be able to complete the TNG, DS9 and Voy crew in their 7th season uniforms. That way, we can just mix and match the uniforms to make movie versions. Also, WoK. I could live without the rest.

  4. Here's what I'd like to see in the next waves:

    Wave 5:

    Col. Tigh (Eyepatch) & Ellen Tigh

    Natalie Six & Cavil

    Tory & Anders (Pilot)

    Variant: Ellen Tigh in Six outfit (from Escape Velocity)

    Wave 6:

    Starbuck (S4 Hairdo - Gray tank/undershirt) & Leoben

    Baltar (S4 - Robes) & Jeanne (Cult leader)

    Erin Matthias (Spacesuit) & Crashdown (Gray tank/undershirt)

    Variant: Eammon Pike "Gonzo" (Gray tank/undershirt)

    Wave 7:

    Lee Adama (Quorum member) & Romo Lampkin

    Simon & Doral

    Specialist Tyrol (Shaved head - Gray tank/undershirt) & Seelix (Pilot) * Nicky Tyrol accessory

    Variant: Hot Dog (Gray tank/undershirt)

  5. I really love what you guys are doing with the Star Trek minimates, however, I'm concerned that we may not be able to finish our crews for a long time yet. Do you have any plans to complete the crews faster? (ie. boxsets, release 2 waves at a time, etc) Or do we just have to practice a lot of patience? :) Also, I know you're not allowed to talk about your license, but do you have it for a long enough time that you would be able to complete the crews, at least the main ones?

  6. Heh, Rad, I actually got that from mixing around my minimate pieces, then made a whole story about Lee in disguise as a Six to infiltrate the Cylons. I had him holding a Six hairpiece before to look like he just took the wig off. Hmm... I guess that sounds creepier... <_<

    Captain_cbecker, some people are still selling the instructions on ebay, and there are some who are selling the pre-built legos already. Too expensive, though.

    Onyx, if you ever finish your Viper, please post pics and instructions! :)

  7. I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but in the latest E-Spectrum, it says, "To date we have released Star Trek toys from six Star Trek series or films. After next month's American International Toy Fair, expect that number to jump to eight!"

    Obviously, Voyager figures will be one of the 2 new ones. But I don't see DST doing any more movie figures other than WOK. Also, Playmates has the license for figures for the new movie. Is it possible that DST may have the license to do Minimates from the new movie?

  8. Wouldn't it be cool if DST made 10 box sets of Star Trek Minimates based on each movie? They could release one boxset a month. The lineup could be something like this:

    Star Trek: The Motion Picture

    Kirk, Decker, Ilia, Chapel

    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

    Kirk, Khan, Terrell, Chekov

    Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

    McCoy, Saavik, Sarek, David Marcus

    Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

    1986 Kirk, Dr. Taylor, Scotty, Uhura

    Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

    Spock, Sybok, Klaa, Vixis

    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    Sulu, Valeris, Gorkon, Chang

    Star Trek: Generations

    Kirk (white turtleneck w/vest), Picard (DS9/Voy Uniform), Soran, Guinan

    Star Trek: First Contact

    Picard, Data, Zefram Cochrane, Borg Queen

    Star Trek: Insurrection

    Worf, Beverly, Admiral Dougherty, Ru'afo

    Star Trek: Nemesis

    Riker, Troi, Geordi, Shinzon

  9. Hehe, sorry, bro. I'm new to minimates (just started with BSG), and thought those would make great variants. I didn't realize that the variants were rarer and more expensive to get. If it makes you feel better, I'll change them to: Picard in Captain's jacket, Guinan with different hat, FC Data without flesh parts, and Geordi without VISOR. Then again, I think some people will be annoyed to have these as variants too. I don't think you can really please anyone no matter what variants you do. Unless, of course, you change the variant ratio per case.

  10. Great idea! Although I'm not a fan of Voyager or Enterprise. For TNG, I'd like to see:

    Series 1: (7th season)

    Picard and Q (Uniform)

    Riker and Troi (Uniform)

    Beverly and Wesley (Cadet)

    Variant: Q in Judge's robes or Troi in purple jumpsuit

    Series 2: (7th season)

    Data and Geordi

    Worf and Gowron

    Guinan and Tasha (Yesterday's Enterprise)

    Variant: Sela

    Series 3: (First Contact)

    Picard and Zefram Cochrane

    Borg Queen and Data (with flesh parts)

    Hawke and Borg

    Variant: Locutus

    Series 4: (Nemesis)

    Riker and Troi

    Shinzon and Romulan

    Geordi and Beverly

    Variant: Troi in wedding dress

    Army builder wave: Borg

    As for DS9:

    Series 1: (7th season)

    Sisko and Dukat

    Bashir and Ezri

    Damar and Garak

    Variant: Jadzia (6th season)

    Series 2: (7th season)

    Kira and Quark

    Worf and Martok

    Rom and Nog

    Variant: Intendant Kira

    Series 3: (7th season)

    O'Brien and Keiko

    Odo and Founder

    Weyoun and Jem Hadar

    Variant: TNG O'Brien

  11. So, my local comic shop called me 2 weeks ago and told me they could order a case for me, so I told them, "Hell, yes!!!" And Donster was nice enough to get the FYE boxsets for me. Can't wait to get those 20 Cylons! Woo hoo! Here's a pic of my pilots:


    And something I threw together on a whim:


  12. I know what you mean, Donster, but where I'm from (Philippines), patience isn't always a virtue. There are a lot of collectors here, and supply for certain items are few, so if you don't get it the first time, there's a chance you may never see it again, unless you resort to ebay. It's a lot harder to ship anything from the US to here, since shipping costs are usually more expensive than the items themselves. Then again, for the mass release figures, like Marvel Legends, they're so easy to find, and go on sale a few months after, so I learned to wait for them. Unfortunately, minimates are very rare here, since not many people collect them.

  13. Hi, I'm new to this forum, and also to minimates. I'm a huge fan of BSG, and just recently learned of the minimates. I've been trying to track them down, and am having a hard time. Add to that I'm located in the Philippines, and it's nigh impossible for me to find them. My lcbs tells me that the BSG minimates are US only, and they won't be getting any. I've searched on some online stores and ebay, and have managed to find series 1, and pre-ordered series 2. However, I'm having a hard time finding the Cylons set. Can someone point me to any online site or auctions that still have a case available? Thanks ahead of time. I really, really want these badly.

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