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Posts posted by RedTiger95

  1. Didn't know there was a DBZ thread, awesome. It's seems we are getting American released toys for Dragonball Super later this summer. It's been a while since that has happened so maybe these could possible. I know Bandai has a grip on DBZ but I'm starting to see more product from other companies, so there's a little slither of hope. 




  2. 4 hours ago, Onyx_6 said:

    Okay, can someone help me out? In which episode(s) did Mayday Parker appear? I remember Petra Parker being the Spidergirl that looks like this from the Spider-verse episodes, being from the world/universe where all the hero genders were reversed. But I don't remember Mayday. Thanks!

    I don't believe she ever appeared, I'm sure this minimate is Petra not Mayday.

  3. These look cool, although I'd prefer the sleek future armor that Iron Man used against Kang, since he's in this wave. I almost guessed Proxima Midnight but wasn't sure. She looks great.

    Also did they give Kamala the 3 inch minimate hand? I don't own any of the bigger minimates to check.


    3 hours ago, MisterPL said:

    I expect we'll complete the Warriors Three right after DST gets the license for DC Minimates.

    Why did they make Darcy and Selvig over those two in the Thor TDW wave?

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