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Posts posted by Chigarillo

  1. On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 4:39 PM, MisterPL said:

    What if Molten Man is intended to be translucent? 

    And when is DST going to get around to using fluorescent paints on their Minimates? A fluorescent Molten Man would look great under a blacklight.

    I was wondering if Molten  Man will be translucent myself. I figure the water pieces on Hydro Man will be and I figure the flame pieces will be translucent but my thoughts drifted to using an extra Molten Man parts for a body for an Elixir custom if the parts are actually gold.

  2. I stopped by the Walgreens in Rochester, MN about a month ago and found the BC Avengers wave and picked it up. Stopped by a week later and bought up some older packs sitting around to trigger a restock, left like 5 Ragnarok packs on one of the 4 pegs in the store for minimates. Stopped by a week later and nothing new. Stopped by today and still nothing... Just the same 5 Thor packs sitting surrounded by 3 completely empty pegs... It's infuriating how these waves are being handled.

    Last wave the store has had is 6. Never seen a sign of wave 7, 8, 9, or 10. It's like Walgreens doesn't want my money.

  3. Based on Zach's responses, Wave 77 solicited in January and this box set solicited in December.

    The box set is a Marvel Movie theme and Wave 77 is unknown but suspected to Spider-verse themed.

  4. 9 hours ago, karamazov80 said:

    Yeah, I'm not thinking of any other Canadian AWA champs at the moment.  It's not either of the Rougeaus, none of the Harts, not Dino Bravo or Pat Patterson.  Martel was a champ as part of Strikeforce, and I remember when he won the WCW TV title later in his career.

    I was really into his "The Model" gimmick.  A friend and I actually re-enacted the blindfold match he had with Jake the Snake on my trampoline! :D

    I always liked the Boston Crab as a finishing move.

    It seems like it's got to be Martel but I thought he wrestled for WCW up until it's demise... Then again WCW had about 40 guys that were never on TV for week after week.

  5. 10 hours ago, Heinous said:

    Those wings are totally different from the art he's going for

    Sorry meant for the base to hold the wings. Sorry that was so confusing. The base that the wings attach to is black and yellow and will hold the insect wings he's using perfectly.

  6. If you are willing to paint some small bits here and there:

    For the gloves and boots, Ultimate Nova and paint a couple small black stripes on the gauntlets.

    Hair and googles, painting a trimmed Pyro head would probably be best. 

    For the Wings I'd use Angel from the X-Men First Class box set.

  7. 2 hours ago, funkguerilla said:

    I could totally see it being a Dark Phoenix boxset/wave [A Dark Phoenix, Gladiator, Battle Damaged Cyke, and (If we get really crazy) a Lliandra in a boxset] for the new movie coming out next year.

    If it's Starjammers/Royal Guard give me at least one male and one female Shiar for army building (D'Ken and Lilandra?), Gladiator, Deathbird, Fang (with alt Wolverine head), Corsair, Cho'd, and Vulcan. I'll buy at least two full sets and probably 3 or 4 more two packs of the army builders...

  8. 12 minutes ago, TENIME_art said:

    Are we compiling "Help Lists" for Animated & Infinity War?

    I'd like to get on them, please.

    Been thinking a new thread for that may be in order?

    Keep a separate list of what people have and what people are looking for?

  9. 6 hours ago, Heinous said:

    Say what now? 

    Over in the SDCC 2018 thread Zach acknowledged the issues Walgreens has had with all waves sharing a SKU and seemed to imply that they are working on getting mates available on the website. 

    That said it sounds like it may also take time as Walgreens just bought rite aid stores and is working on improving their website.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Gillbob316 said:

    Is BC a Walgreens Wave? I absent just assumed it was the new comic book specialty wave. They look comic booky. (Is this a Toys R Us wave that got repurposed to Walgreens?). I know literally nothing about this concept or story. These minimates are the first I'm seeing of BC Marvel. Ever. My first reaction was, "What are these 1602?" Clearly I haven't been keeping up on comic book news.

    Can someone break down the characters here for me? Some of them are easy to put together (Ghost Rider and Phoenix), but some not so much... big guy looks like Juggernaut, but seems more likely he'd be Hulk, given... niche waves like this tend to stick to headliners. That said he's not green, so I don't know what to think, lol.

    Is that Moondragon? Is the Asgardian guy Odin or Thor? And what in god's name is that decidedly non-BC Purple Robot that looks entirely out of place?

    Someone break down this wave for me. And this story. lol...

    It's an alternate universe story involving a version of the Avengers in 1,000,000 BC...

    The main Avengers are here:


    And the big purple robot is a Celestial that they fight in the story.

    So basically alternate versions of Thor, Ghost rider, Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Phoenix, Hulk, and Panther with a Celestial.

  11. It would seem so. The BC, Strange and Ghost Rider sets, and Hammerhead all seem to have come from no where...

    Like it's been months since we've heard anything regarding sets after wave 76 (out in october) and now here's two new waves boxed and looking ready to hit shelves... Just seems very odd that there's been nearly no info for months and then two Infinity War waves and these that just pop up ready to ship.

  12. On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 7:21 AM, hellpop said:

    The reviewer included Kubricks among the figures these would work for, but there’s no way. Mega blocks are much smaller than Minimates or Kubricks, and they don’t look to have much headroom in there. Anyway, I will stick with my utility boxes. 

    What do you use for utility boxes out of curiosity? I use these right now but am always looking for a better option:

    Plano Storage Bin

  13. So I alluded to a project I had been working on and I've hit a wall when it comes to decals... I just can't seem to make my own and get them looking good. I've made it this far on my New X-men team:IMG_2840.JPG.84b5fffdae514d0f551fcc8c06358a61.JPGIMG_2841.JPG.39e3839c3b33f1e74c7da31fd4da6996.JPGIMG_2842.JPG.7efd7aa1aad2940561a27e786a14335f.JPGIMG_2843.JPG.56804bcdfb86b024ca8c70a9e9660652.JPGIMG_2844.JPG.c387834aaf0584aef75b9081e9e7fc22.JPGIMG_2846.JPG.e294a5cff8acf7987c5a6191c7e70f55.JPGIMG_2847.JPG.c993d9f929805d9f413da45d0d30d1c0.JPGIMG_2848.JPG.de50e7fcd6b1a4a27f11f458adfcaa5a.JPG

    But I'm simply defeated on decals for Anole, and Rockslides faces. Dust too could use more feminine and sympathetic looking eyes than the ones I'm currently using. I also have Elixer and Mercury parts but need to paint them and again would need decals or stickers for the faces. But yeah decals, can anyone help out or point me in the right direction and get me started

  14. Finally got some spare time work on a few things and decided to take some photos...

    First up is just a small change to Shadowcat (Sue Storm hand and foot added) and a kit bashed Colossus using parts from all the previous waves to make him more bulky, but not Hulk size.



    Next is some villains, Tempo, Henry Peter Gyrich, Sebastian Shaw (pretty sure I stole the recipe from someone here a few years ago,) Reverend William Stryker. Still have to paint an Iron Man gauntlet for his Hand of Nimrod.


    Sometimes I like updating and altering costumes to fit pieces I have and to make them a bit more interesting. So my not quite accurate versions of Sway and Darwin. Sway's comic costume always bugged me with the absurd "boob window" so I got rid of that and decided to put the emphasis on the wrists instead since that's the source of her powers. Darwin gets an old Iceman head and hands mostly because he's always pale in the comics and mostly because I had like 5 spare Iceman heads from a project I'll have pics of later.


  15. Would anyone be able to try something for me? Would some body that has the Surtur and Magma figures be able to tell me how close the two are in color? Been thinking about hunting down the Surtur set to use the crotch piece to make Magma more... magma'y but not sure if the color will be way off or not.

  16. 11 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    Sorry I don't have info. We were business as usual fairly recently, so I'm not sure what the plan is. Obviously, we have larger concerns than this one wave. 

    These were packaged samples a month ago, so they may have shipped by now, not sure. That may mean they are distributed and sold as part of liquidation or sold off to... not sure who buys this stuff now that Kay Bee is gone.

    Thanks for the answer Zach! I know it's got to be tough with the uncertainty of the situation with TRU in general. Appreciate the response.

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