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Posts posted by MUUK76

  1. Really? I must have missed those pictures. I recall Ripley and Newt and Frost and the burning Alien but not the others.

    If you look through the Crisis for Infinite Minimates thread under C2E2 you will see pictures for all the figures plus the Alien Queen and Powerloader.

  2. Had my first minimate breakage in ten years today. Bought the alien four pack, opened it up and Kane's leg broke at the top joint the first time I tried to move it sad.png anyone else had any troubles?

    Have the same four pack, no trouble here.


    I think Zach said in the other Alien thread that TRU will be getting a sort of 'Best of' line with w1 Ripley and Hicks, w2 Hudson and Vasquez, each paired with an Alien that may or may not be exclusive.

    Aliens Series Two thread.

  3. They did just confirm they'll be doing more vehicles in the recent Ask DST (Though that could have been in reference to the Power Loader)

    I noticed the same thing. There's been talk of doing vehicles since the license was announced.

    In terms of scale, I'm thinking it'd be great if DST was able to offer the APC as an electronic vehicle (like the BTTF Time Machine and KITT from Knight Rider).

    Bishop was the APC driver and Gorman commanded the mission from it and Ferro was the Dropship pilot.

    It makes sense to use those three for vehicles.

    Would be brilliant to get both of those and set up a sort of display to.

  4. So we know there's a half Bishop with the queen (or is it the powerloader?) Is it possible, we'll get legs and an alternate (not bleeding white) face with that Bishop to give us a normal one? Perhaps he won't be in any figure waves

    Bishops upper torso and fluid damage comes with the Xenomorph Queen.

  5. Series 2 - Ripley in Jacket and Newt,

    Vasquez and Hudson,

    Frost and Alien,

    Crowe and Alien with Alien egg's


    Getting a full wave might be a potential problem in the making due to the shortpacked Crowe.

    Aliens Series Three to get Gorman, Ferro and Bishop ?.

    I'm happy that Vasquez and Hudson are in the second series and not just Toys R Us exclusives as I'm from the UK.

    Be interested to see Toys R Us series to see what exactly the differences in the appearances of the characters will be.

    Not sure what we're doing for S3. I believe we have ideas/plans for the others.

    Characters will look the same in both assortments, Aliens aside.

    Plausable option would be Bishop and Gorman with an APC and Ferro with an dropship.

    I'm sure both vehicles wouldn't be beyond the capabilities of Diamond Select, hint hint lol.

  6. Series 2 - Ripley in Jacket and Newt,

    Vasquez and Hudson,

    Frost and Alien,

    Crowe and Alien with Alien egg's


    Getting a full wave might be a potential problem in the making due to the shortpacked Crowe.

    Aliens Series Three to get Gorman, Ferro and Bishop ?.

    I'm happy that Vasquez and Hudson are in the second series and not just Toys R Us exclusives as I'm from the UK.

    Be interested to see Toys R Us series to see what exactly the differences in the appearances of the characters will be.

  7. Originally it had to do with the license, Art Asylum was only permitted to show a portion of the Marvel Minimates product in the package, but the other lines aren't limited and can have the full product shown. Why the packaging isn't the same design though, most likely has to do with costs. A bubble glued to cardboard is most likely more cost effective than cardboard folded into a box and taped shut around a plastic insert.

    Personally I like the re-sealable packaging, it's very neat and concise.

    When you separate the card from the bubble, your stuck with it like that.

  8. Any one have issues with the bubbles on these not holding to the cards? I got a set from Luke's Toy Store yesterday and one of the packs was completely off the card (probably happened in transit to me as I know Luke wouldn't ship out something like that) and 2 others were very loose to the point where I could easily peel them off the card. The set I got from BBTS didn't have this issue so I don't know if its something that just happened to this one set or if some of the cases didn't get their bubbles heat sealed properly.

    Its not a big deal for me as I'm not a MOC collector and had planned to open these up regardless. Just wondering if its something that DST should know about or if it was a one time thing with the set I got.

    Speaking of the second set, taking the chest armor off Drake, Hicks and Apone and swapping out their helmets for hat w/ hair/hair/hat really has me jonesing to get the rest of these so I can have a Sulaco prep set and a "absolutely bad-ass" set. Still missing Apone's cigar though. I wonder how hard it would be to paint match a Starbuck cigar hand to Apone's skin color.

    Can't say i had an issue with mine.

    One question I have is how come Marvel minimates get packaging you can re-seal and Aliens etc. don't ?.

  9. I was just checking out the cast list on IMDb. Aliens certainly has a bigger cast than the first flick but it's not Star Trek huge. There's opportunity for variants (like the ones we're getting of Ripley and Bishop) but there were a couple characters on the list I doubt we'll see.

    In fact, with the characters included in the TRU series, we're already getting over half the cast.

    If DST wants to stretch this out, they'll have to dig into the other two films and finish the first.

    I was wondering who will comprise the second wave and this is my guess. Now let's assume wave 2 will be similar to wave 1 (8 different characters). So far we have seen prototypes for Landing Party Ripley (with leather jacket), Newt, Frost and flaming xenomorph. Now let's assume for argument sake those are paired up together. That's half the wave there. Four slots left. Vasquez and Hudson have been confirmed for a TRU wave, so they are out. Another Ripley will come with the power loader and a BD Bishop will come with the Queen (if rumours are correct). That leaves Gorman, Ferro and Bishop (non BD). Pair Gorman with Bishop and Ferro with another xenomorph (jaw openned with no tongue) and there is a very plausible wave 2 IMO. Anybody else care to weigh in?

    Wave Two - Ripley with jacket and Newt,

    Crowe and Xenomorph,

    Frost and Xenomorph,

    Bishop and Gorman or Ferro ?.

    If Hudson and Vazquez are exclusives, I'd imagine Ferro could be packed with a dropship, should one be made of course as that makes sense.

    Hudson and Vasquez are TRU wave 1 exclusives along with Ripley and Hicks, all 4 each packed with an Alien.

    I'd say Wave 2 is Ripley/Newt, Frost/Burning Alien, Bishop/Crowe, Gorman/Ferro. I think we'll see motion trackers in this wave and hopefully a cutting torch, possibly packed with Bishop.

    Your suggestion for wave two makes sense as it completes all the main characters bar the two exclusives.

  10. I was just checking out the cast list on IMDb. Aliens certainly has a bigger cast than the first flick but it's not Star Trek huge. There's opportunity for variants (like the ones we're getting of Ripley and Bishop) but there were a couple characters on the list I doubt we'll see.

    In fact, with the characters included in the TRU series, we're already getting over half the cast.

    If DST wants to stretch this out, they'll have to dig into the other two films and finish the first.

    I was wondering who will comprise the second wave and this is my guess. Now let's assume wave 2 will be similar to wave 1 (8 different characters). So far we have seen prototypes for Landing Party Ripley (with leather jacket), Newt, Frost and flaming xenomorph. Now let's assume for argument sake those are paired up together. That's half the wave there. Four slots left. Vasquez and Hudson have been confirmed for a TRU wave, so they are out. Another Ripley will come with the power loader and a BD Bishop will come with the Queen (if rumours are correct). That leaves Gorman, Ferro and Bishop (non BD). Pair Gorman with Bishop and Ferro with another xenomorph (jaw openned with no tongue) and there is a very plausible wave 2 IMO. Anybody else care to weigh in?

    Wave Two - Ripley with jacket and Newt,

    Crowe and Xenomorph,

    Frost and Xenomorph,

    Bishop and Gorman or Ferro ?.

    If Hudson and Vazquez are exclusives, I'd imagine Ferro could either be an exclusive packed with Bishop as the regular would be with Gorman or be packed with a dropship vehicle, should one be made of course as that makes sense.

  11. My guess on the two flamethrower/pulse rifle combos is that they meant to include a second basic rifle for Ripley, but there was a mix up. That's pure speculation, of course.

    As far as the flamethrowers, there isn't actually a flamethrower sculpt available yet. There will be one in series two, but it's possible they didn't have it ready in time for this series.

    Motion trackers would have been cool, but seeing as these figures had a fair bit of extra parts already, it's understandable that they were excluded. Also, we haven't yet seen Vasquez or Hudson, so perhaps it will turn up with them.

    Apone's patch was definitely a mess up. DST just put the wrong detail there. However, these things do have to go through Fox, and they missed it too. Accidents happen. All we can hope for is that things are At least a slight bit better moving forward.

    I'm a stickler for accuracy unfortunately lol.

    If a motion tracker or two was included in wave two that would be great, same for a couple of extra flamethrowers.

    Be interesting to see what unfolds.

  12. I believe Zach said the rifle/flamethrower combos go to Ripley and Hicks, so they each get one.

    Hicks never used it, I'd imagine most people buying these are fans of the film.

    I said in an earlier post there were a few small things that could do with some clarification.

    Apone's USCM patch mispealt USMC, pulse rifles given to flamethrower armed marines/lack of flamethrowers for whatever reason (even though Frost comes with an flamethrower), lack of motion trackers and sentry guns.

    Be good to have an answer or two.

  13. Finally got my set of these yesterday from Luke. Wow, I really love them. Seriously, I just love every single one of them. Hicks may well be my favorite Minimate. He's just so perfect. I can't wait for series 2!


    EDIT: One small nit I did have was with the Ripley/Hicks packaging, which states that Hicks takes command of the marines after Gorman dies. He takes command when Gorman is injured. Small thing, though

    Towards the end of the film when he is the only colonial marine left, he is command then lol.

    Should really have said after Gorman was incapacitated in the apc, when he came to he deferred to Hicks as he had more combat mission experience.

    I've been holding off on saying this but I might as well just do it. My Dietrich's Pulse Rifle was missing the gunmetal coloring on the front of the gun. Has this happened to anyone else with any other character?

    I've checked my set and the pulse rifles are all painted.

    Might be an oversight on someones part.

  14. Dietrich is supposed to have just a Pulse and Frost will have the Flamethrower.

    I'm referring to the film, Dietrich, Frost and Wierzbowski were armed with flamethrowers, for whatever reason only Frost will come with one.

    I wonder if motion trackers and sentry guns will also be included at some point to ?.

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