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Posts posted by Nestlé

  1. Great work Shane!

    Keep working towards that lieutenant!

    As for the dual wielding... Your pro friends are correct. While some weapons are an exc eption to the rule (Maulers), Halo uses a system coined "Damage spiking."

    What it means is that if 2 guys run at each other theoretically (as long as they aim about as well as one another) the one who starts shooting first will win. The spikes come in with melee attacks & grenades. Should soldier B decide to try and punch or grenade Soldier A they take a risk. They have to stop shooting and their punch/melee might not hit, but if it does their damage dealing spikes and they win.

    The problem with dual wielding weapons is that you cannot throw grenades or punch (when you punch you drop a gun).

    Since I mentioned them already I feel compelled to talk about M<aulers. Maulers are an awesome weapon and I throughly suggest some practice time with them if you get a chance. What's great about them is, unlike the other Dual Wieldable weapons, they are very versatile. If you are only carrying 1, get in close and use them just like you would use a shotgun. Immediately after shooting melee. It will deliver and shot/punch instant kill. This is a good alternative if you can't find a shotgun AND you can still usse grenades!

    Maulers are also THE ONLY weapon I still dual wield when I get an opportunity. You lose out on the greande toss, but 2 Maulers is actually more powerful than a shotgun in close combat. In fact, they are so effective that you can i shot kill (both triggers shooting once of course) people who aren't even that close to you.

    Sorry, I picked up Operation Darkness last week and I haven't been on Halo that much. Don't worry though, it's not that great a game and this phase will pass. :thumbsup:

    If you have nay other questions feel free to ask. I'm not pro by any means, but like |I said, knowledge is everything in Halo so I've done my research.

    Oh! Also important: Your radar is actually a motion sensor. Keep that in mind, that it won't show people who aren't moving and people who are moving slowly. It's important to keep your eye on... But don't put all of your trust in it.

  2. I googled it and my suspicions were correct. The patch was multiplayer XBL related so it wouldn't effect you.

    They make the fcontrols (in my opinion) hard on purpouse to add a layer of tension to the game. Sounds dumb, but it works. As for ammo, you are allowed to replay any previous level on any difficulty. Also, you can quit at any time and keep your equip/ammo.

    With this in mind, it's pretty easy to come by.

    We didn't use a guide. Just remember, look around. Every boss/character can be defeated by thinking. Look for traps.

    As for the wireless... I dunno. I'm running a gateway so I haven't had to look into routers for a long time. I remember D-Link working though.

  3. It's easiest to search for them in the dashboard. Go to game add ons, Halo 3 and you'll find them. K is right, they come out, drop in price and eventually become free.

    Currently you can get:

    Heroic Map Pack (Free)

    Cold Storage (Free)

    Legendary Map Pack (400 pts)

    Mythic Map Pack (800pts)

    Most hoppers require you to AT LEAST have Heroic.

  4. Yeah, it's a shame you don't get to see the finished product on the elephant too. I saw it live, and it actually looked pretty good in the end.

    The other thing to consider is what Natal can do with plain XBL. Microsoft also announced that this fall they would be adding radio, television, facebook & twitter to XBL. Add that to the fact that XBL is currently the largest online video rental store and you have something out of Back to future 2.

    Imagine, you get home from work and it recognizes your face and logs you in as you come in the door. "Play 98.9 FM" and it recognizes your voice so the radio comes on. "Turn on channel 48."

    "Open my facebook and send a the following message to..."

    :wacko: If Microsoft isn't bull$hitting us... The future could be now. (Or whenever Natal lands).

  5. Drgn, I've got links to them showing the tech on a post on the first page.

    I DO agree with you though. IF Microsoft can make it work (And that's a big IF) hands down, they've got my vote.

    Sony's seems like a strong next step from what Wii has done and it looks good.

    I think both of them have a very strong showing.

  6. Also, I get all my news through

    Great site by the people who write EGM.

    Sorry Pickle, to be honest I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention durin the Nintendo show. I kinda got bored. I also got bored during the beginning of Sony when they had 1/2 a dozen Japanese guys give speaches in Japanese. :blink:

    As for the games and what was shown, I haven't mentioned here that Microsoft annoucned Natal (Motion sensor) & a bazillion new features for XBL. Nintendo mentioned a new wii fit sensor that clips on your finger (yikes). Sony announced the new mini PSP & Motion Sensor.

    All in all, in my opinion the shows were:

    Microsoft A+

    Nintendo B+

    Sony A

  7. Ummm... So they've showed like every game coming out (including Hanna Montanna), so I'm not sure what to list.

    Maybe I'll just mention the ones they actually talked about:

    Assassins Creed 2 (PS3/Not new)

    Final Fantasy 13 (PS3/Not new)

    Final Fantasy 14 (PS3)

    Agency (PS3)

    Assassins Creed Bloodlines (PSP/Not new)

    Uncharted 2 (PS3/Not new)

    ModNatioon Racers (PS3)

    Resident Evil (PSP)

    Metal Gear (PSP)

    MAG (PS3)

    Gran Turismo (PSP)

    Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

    Last Guardian (PS3)

    God of War 3 (PS3)

  8. Today? Nintendo!

    I don't know what to say. Their show was less than half as long as Microsoft. Sure, there are plenty of games here... But still...

    Metroid: Other M (Wii)

    Redient Evil: Darkside Chronicles (Wii)

    Dead Space Exclusive (Wii)

    Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

    Crystal Bearers Wii/Not new)

    Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (DS)

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 (DS/Not new)

    Golden Sun (DS)

    COP The Recruit (DS)

    Mario vs Donkey Kong minis march again (DS)

    Zelda Sprirt Tracks (DS/Not new)

    Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

    While this showing is CONSIDERABLY better than last year, I still feel like my wii will be collecting dust this year... :(

  9. Reach was the planet where all of the humans defenses were posted in Halo lore. It was wiped out and the only escaping ship was the Pillar of Autumn (the opneing of Halo CE).

    What does this mean for gamers?

    100 Spartans. Hells yeah.

  10. 1up editor says:

    Video showing some pretty it's form the future shit with full body mo cap, item scanning, facial recognition and voice recognition.

    Sounds weird. Guess they need something to compete with their lack of a Blu Ray player.

    Actually, another announcement today was that all Netflix movie watching on 360 will play instantly and run in 1080P come fall.

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