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Posts posted by Nestlé

  1. I think they'll hit on that a little more as the story progresses, twoface.

    You have to consider that these guys have all seen people come back from the dead, so it's more about specific emotions to dead characters than the fact that they're seeing the dead rise.

  2. So BN#2 hit shelves yesterday.

    While it doesn't have the shocking moments that rocked issue #2 :(, there are still some great moments in it.

    Unfortunatly my spoiler boxes don't seem to work.

    Anyways, it's still wortht the read. Two of my least favorite heroes join the legions of dead and Geoff continues the ball rolling towards awesomeness.

    I also picked up GLC #39. I wish I could tell you exciting things that happened, but same deal as the last issue GL. It seems like a completely unnecessary issue. It DOES however explain why the relationship between Kyle & Soranik Natu seems so forced. Very cool... And kinda sad.

    Anyways, I'm sure the coming issues of GL & GLC will become more and more important as it moves away from the BN comic, but currently they just seem to go more indepth on what you've already read.

  3. The movie was entertaining! CC's deco looked much better in the movie than in the figs. (smurf Hasbro for always spoiling costume changes with their toys!)

    The only thing I didn't like was Baroness ending up good. She's so much cooler (cooler being defined as hotter) as a "bad person"!

    Nanomites aren't out of her crazy brain yet. Maybe the Commander let her "turn good" to screw over Destro and have her inflitrate the Joes. Hmmm...


    Jatta is right. This is actually "feels" a lot like 2 old Joe stories I can think of where Baroness was in custody and felt betrayed by Cobra. Because of the nanites they can still very much use her as a villain, which, I agree they should.

  4. Meh, it was okay.

    A lot of the underwater battle sequences made me think of Star Wars as did the last fight with Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.

    And I expected more from the fights between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. I mean, come on, you've got two excellent martial artists in Ray Park and Byung-Hun Lee, they should have had some epic battles (like Neo vs. Morpheus in the Matrix). I don't mean in terms of wire work but in terms of the style and length of the sequences.

    And did anyone else think that they're backstory was a little lame? It made Storm Shadow look like a little bitch!

    That actually IS the original origin story for Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes.

    It may be lame, but at least it stayed true to the original comic. You want a spoiler?

    Storm Shadow didn't kill the master... ;)

  5. I went in with very low expectations and was rewarded with an enjoyable 2 hours.

    Of course it was rediculously tacky, but my complaints were few:

    -Destro's mask

    -Cobra Commander's mask

    -Scarlett ending up with Ripcord... WTF?

    Anyways, if you want a GOOD movie, you can pass on this. If you're just looking to have some fun, go see it. It has a lot of it. ;)

  6. Wow!! I'm really liking all the stuff Batman: The Brave and the Bold is putting out; i'm only watching a few here or there for that old, funny, comicy feel to it, butit's a great show nontheless. Wishing they make Huntress, and i REAAAAAALLY want to see Black Canary to put next to my future Green Arrow and Chemo figures. Oh, and for the record, that Chemo is fucking incredible!! :lol:

    Also, who is that in the lower right-hand corner?? PLEASE say it's Hal Jordan. I will pay you to say it's Hal. :blush:

    Sorry, it's The Top.

    The Top? Who the hell is that? Man, I'm getting old. :P

    I don't mean to be anal but the whole theme to Brave and the Bold is to use unpopular characters. THATS why you haven't heard of him, not cause you're old. He first showed up as a Flash villain back in '61. See: ;)

  7. Picked up Tales of the Corps #3 today.

    #1 Kilowog's origin story

    #2 Arisia's origin story

    #3 Commentary on BN#0

    I'm not sure where I stand on this series all said and done. Story #1 is mostly BS and not within the context with what we know of the old corps from Secret Origins. That being said, the art in #2 was great and it was nice to hear from Geoff in #3. One thing they mentioned is that because of all the things "the big 3" are dealing with in comics, Barry (Flash) & Hal (GL) are the glue holding DC together. Interesting. Also interesting that Geoff is writing both books? LOL.

    Anyways, looking back it's not the worst $12 you could spend. It's not gospel, but go ahead, splurge. You just might enjoy it. ;)

  8. Great set up. Where did you get those cases from and what do they cost?

    Despite how unlikely it may be, it is, theoretically possible that someone noticed I hadn't done another minimates movie in awhile. No, I haven't given up and the scripts are done for the next 3 episodes. It actually has more to do with the renos we've been doing. Finally I have a studio downstairs.

    Here are the minimates that have finally made it on the wall:

    When I had last counted my mates I had about 200, so when I bought cases I was sure 12 cases @ 32 mates apiece would be plenty. Turns out my count was old and have nowhere near enough space in the cases. :(

    (The open spots are for the mates who will be starring in the next movie.)

    The cases are HotWheels Classics Showcases. They come in packs of 2 for $20 (If you can find them). Seems they are either easy to find... Or impossible. I picked mine up at a local Zellers.

    I see Holiday Wolverine :)

    LOL. Thatnks again Boyd. ;)

    Despite how unlikely it may be, it is, theoretically possible that someone noticed I hadn't done another minimates movie in awhile. No, I haven't given up and the scripts are done for the next 3 episodes. It actually has more to do with the renos we've been doing. Finally I have a studio downstairs.

    Here are the minimates that have finally made it on the wall:

    When I had last counted my mates I had about 200, so when I bought cases I was sure 12 cases @ 32 mates apiece would be plenty. Turns out my count was old and have nowhere near enough space in the cases. :(

    (The open spots are for the mates who will be starring in the next movie.)


    I love these cases!! I have 12 on my wall right now with 2 more waiting to go up once I re-do my toy room. These only house my marvel minimates and once the SDCC stuff comes my marvel ones alone will be 10 cases full!

    ps - I cant wait for more movies from you!

    pps - my own project is in the writing stages as well as set and custom gathering - but I am moving away from stop motion and more to the printed comic for it.

    Jeff of the Miniacs

    Thanks Jeff!

    It's been a long time since we've seen any of your famous movies so I'm excited to see what you have lined up.

    You don't know of any place locally that still has these in your neighborhood, do you?

    I'm kinda kicking myself for not picking up more when I had the chance.

  9. Despite how unlikely it may be, it is, theoretically possible that someone noticed I hadn't done another minimates movie in awhile. No, I haven't given up and the scripts are done for the next 3 episodes. It actually has more to do with the renos we've been doing. Finally I have a studio downstairs.

    Here are the minimates that have finally made it on the wall:

    When I had last counted my mates I had about 200, so when I bought cases I was sure 12 cases @ 32 mates apiece would be plenty. Turns out my count was old and have nowhere near enough space in the cases. :(

    (The open spots are for the mates who will be starring in the next movie.)





  10. Serge, you better hurry!

    If you're still on Sinestro War you still have to read:

    GLC Ring Quest

    GL Secret Origin

    GLC Sins of Star Sapphires

    GL Rage of Red Lanterns

    GL Agent Orange

    GLC Emerald Eclipse


    Hey boba, here's a list I made for Serge a little while ago about stories since SinestroCW.

  11. Boba, Secret Origin is a great rewrite of the origin story! Do it!

    Seriously though, it's expensive to even consider, but if you really want to get every thing you can out of BN you should pick up the stuff that's happened since Sinestro War. Otherwise, characters like LArFleeze, Atrocitus &Saint Walker will have no emotional side to them.

    Anyways, picked up Tales of the Corps #2 today and here's the run down:

    #1 Origin of Bleez

    #2 Origin (kinda) of Carol Ferris

    #3 Origin of Giant Orange Mouth

    First, and most obvious: This blows my theory out of the water that we'd see more Indigo in these books. Lame.

    Story 1, however was great! BLeez is a great character and I'm glad they decided to flesh her out. Story 2... C'mon, seriously? Why would they BOTHER printing a Carol Ferris origin story. If you're buying TotC you must be a GL fan. If you know GL you know Carol. They DID show however a chunk of prophecy in there that had Green and Yellow fighting against Red and Orange... Interesting...

    Story 3? Sucked.

    Once again: 1 Good story, 1 Unneccessary story & 1 lame story.

  12. My spoiler boxes aren't working, soi there's a lot I'm not going to say, but it's off to a great start.

    I loved what Scar did. LOL.

    (And of course the last scene was phenomenal.)

    Anyways, is anyone else reading Tales of the Corps?

    I picked up #1 with BN yesterday and so far nothing special. I'll keep you guys up to date in case your considering it.

    It ran 3 stories:

    #1 The origin story of Saint Walker

    #2 Mongul as a kid

    #3 Our first look at the Indigo tribe

    Honestly, the first one was kind of boring. Despite really liking Saint Walker his story is passable. The second story was kind of cute/fun but hardly necessary by any means. The thrid story? It definetly had me interested. I did a double take as Compassion seems to work "differently" than I pictured. Very mysterious. Is it worth spending $4 to read a 8 page story in which no one speaks english? No. But something definelty might come of it. I have a feeling Geoff is going to have the Indigos in every issue to develop them. I'll let you know if they get any better.

  13. Well, we're supposed to believe at this point that they are death.

    Who is it actually?

    No idea. I thought about the antimonitor, but Black Hand is using him (ripped him apart for the black battery).

    I can't think of anyone else though that might fit the bill.

    For right now I guess I'm going to ride along with it being Death. :(

  14. I'm reading these late because Diamond sent LCS's comics all over the place. Luckily this week's were still in the province. Last week's? CXould be anywhere in the country.

    Anyways, Great issue. It seems kind of backwards for us to be reading about stuff that already happened (Before BN#0), but still solid. I'll admit some things were new to me, so all in all a great issue of Green Lantern that didn't, y'know HAVE Green Lantern in it. Wow. How many comics have that?

    Anyways, it's a busy month for BN, so I'll save my words for the other 1/2 dozen comics. ;)

  15. Happy Bungie Day!

    That's right, July 7th is devoted to all things Halo. This is, of course due to the obsession the company has for the #7 (It's everywhere in their games).

    Last year they released a free map (Cold Storage) on BDay along with gamer pics & themes. This year? Well, nothing THAT epic. They've unvealed Bungie Video Pro (a sort of movie editor thingy for your halo 3 vids), shown off the new 3 maps coming, released a podcast about ODST with Nathan Fillion, and are offering the Bungie vs The World hopper for 24 hours. People who play in BvsTW can win all kinds of prizes too (not just people who win, in the past they've given prizes for things like most mongoose splatters, or team kills, ect.)

    Anyways, see you online. ;)

  16. LOL.

    I have to admit Miry, I'm surprised by how much you know your comic stuff.

    I'm sure no one else here knows Ch'p & Salaak were best buds...

    Hopefully no one knows how Ch'p died either. :down:

    Anyways, I've been looking into "Tales of Sinestro Corps" since I avoided it (because it was a cash in on a "big event")

    An interesting section shows bios on a couple hundred GL characters. Pretty sweet.

    I was pleasantly surprised to see Perdoo

    & El-qa Squa Zreenah

    because the bios, in retrospect seem to be on GLs they have been fleshing out over the last 2 years. (And I liked these 2 characters from the 1 story they were in about 15 years back

    I was sad, however to not see Anya, Sool or Garl

    they are perhaps my favorite GL characters that have never been used past their original story (although you see them in the background of the Infinite Crisis fight with Superboy Prime.)

  17. One of the great things about RE5 is the replay value.

    Your first playthrough is definetly a more intense ride, but anything after is quite fun and "arcady."

    There are lots of unlockables from gametypes to weapons to outfits and ammo.

    These unlocakbles aren't as fun by yourself, but I would definetly suggest grabbing a friend and trying some out.

    Mercenaries can be a load of fun, and there are all different kinds of bonuses "hidden" throughout the game.

    Beat the game in under 5 hours on any difficulty and you get infinite rocket launcher for instance.

  18. It was a cliffhanger.

    We know that

    Blue disrupts orange

    . But still, orange has shown to be nearly invincible. LarFleeze and his corps are all raining down death on

    the 1/2 dozen Blues

    , so it doens't really look good for them.

    The Guardians just have their hate on for Ganthet and this was a way of "removing" him.


    Anyways, about the Epilogue...

    I really like Ash! I don't remember him from old stuff, so I think he's new but ever since that issue where he said to the vampires "Die Horribly!" I knew there was an interesting story there. Saarek?

    I hope he gets eaten by the Antimonitor. <_<

    I know there's going to be a lot of characters in BN, but I'd really like to see them flesh out more Brik

    & Bd'g .

    Brik has been a fvorite of mine from the 90s and who wouldn't want to see more chipmunk?

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