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Posts posted by Nestlé

  1. Most of the original problems have been resolved, buit to answer your question, no. RR still happen.

    While I plan to EVENTUALLY pick up a PS3 the sad truth is that if you want to play really good games you need to risk the RROD... AT least for another 6 months until Sony has it's game base more diversified.

    And the cooling fans actually make the problem worse.

  2. No cb, you're COMPLETELY missing the point.

    My point is that a couple of guys took some random lego pieces and put them together the make models that look better than ones SPECIFICALLY MOLDED for Halo.

    Perhaps you haven't played much Halo, in which case one might think the megablocks version of the Warthog is passable... It is not however.

    Looks like crap.

  3. We're getting a GL cartoon movie in a couple of months.

    As for a live action? I dunno... I'm a little nervous.

    Don't get me wrong, Green Lantern is unquestionably the best comic out there right now... But I don't see how someone could put it on the big screen. There's no way they'd most of what's actually happening. All you'd be left with is the corny GL of the 80's. :confused:

  4. I'm gonna come out and say it:

    these look like Sh*t.

    Before you disagree with me, I will give you two points that might change your mind:

    1st: Two Face is right. I've been pushing for Halomates for YEARS, you might have seen some of the concepts I've drawn up over the years. Megablocks don't cut it.

    2nd: Has anyone here looked up Halo legos online? People used RANDOM lego blocks and built things that look FAR SUPERIOR to the crap these guys are selling.













  5. In an attempt to save money I've cut back all of my comic purchases to four titles.

    It just so happens that they are all DC.

    -Secret Six

    This comic follows a group of supervillains who've been together since just before Infinite Crisis. While the cast rotates regular members are Catman, Scadal Savage, Ragdoll & Deadshot.

    Other members have or are: Bane, Harley Quinn, Mad Hatter, ParaDemon, Cheshire, Knockout & Tarantula.

    It's a great story that uses what DC is best for: Nobody characters.

    -Green Lantern

    Not for a beginner reader, Green Lantern is, in my opinion the best comic on the shelves. Geoff Johns has totally reinvented the concept of the hero and turned into it's own deep mythology. The fact that it is building towards Blackest Night (this summer) makes this the book I most look forward to every month.

    -Green Lantern Corps

    While not nearly the read GL is, it is also building towards Blackest Night and a neccessity in GL continuity.

    -Legion of 3 Worlds

    Extremely frustrating, this book was supposed to be over already but it keeps getting bumped back. Why stay with it? It's freaking awesome! Most people who aren't die-hard DC fans don't even know about the Legion of Superheroes (the Justice League of the Future), that doesn't stop Geoff Johns from weaving one of the most awesome conclusions to a hero/villain out there. That's right, this is the conclusion to Superboy Prime's story and is loaded with all kinds of other surprises. It's easy to get into for beginners too. Even if you've never heard of the Legion before, Geoff writes it like an encyclopedia of the future.

  6. I've been desperatetly trying to keep this thread alive since Jatta left, but this is getting a little rediculous.

    Despite how many views it gets I'm the only one to have posted here since August.

    I was actually a little surprised that noone commented even on Bruce's death.

    Maybe too many people saw it coming?

    Anyways, mods, you can close this thread.

  7. So after how awesome FC#5 was, I was excited to pick up #6 and review it with you guys.

    Also, #6 promises to have the final fate of Bruce Wayne...

    You ready?


    Final Crisis #6

    Before I get into it let me just say this book is pretty messy. JGJones may be a phenomal artist (he drew the covers for 52), but this has some of the worst art I've seen him do. Also, so much is going on and the panels are all over the place so it can be hard to tell whats going on.

    -That said, Issue 5 left the Green Lantern Corps flying deep into the bowels of the black hole that was Earth to stop Darkseid... And that's where they stay for issue 6 (lame).

    -Superman is sent back in time by Brainiac 5 after helping the Legion during Legion of 3 Worlds.

    -The survivors from issue 4 who went to the watchtower get more than they bargained for when Anti Life zombies catch up with them, of course Green Arrow & Black Lightning are among the zombies after them.

    -The main assault in Bludhaven takes a turn for the better as Captain Marvel Jr uses the last of his magic to transform him and the Desaad-possessed Mary Marvel back to mortals, where she regains control of herself. Tawky the tiger also kills the new Kalibak/Tiger god and all his loyal tiger followers swear loyalty to the Tawky... Yep, pretty odd. At this point it actually looks like the offensive was a success... Until Wonder Woman shows up with the female furies to kick their a$$es.

    -Back on the Watchtower the zombies begin mind wiping the survivors, but Tatooed Man uses the "circuit" Black Lightning taught him... Which coincidentally is the same one Mister Miracle is using. Turns out it's God-speak for freedom and stops the mind wipe helmets from working. Black Canary goes onto beat the hell out of her zombified husband, crying the entire time.

    -The Question is now working with Checkmate (as we saw in earlier issues). Turns out they've got a contingency plan for is Earth falls... Jump to another parrallel universe and recolonize. Makes sense, with the strange part being they made a bunch of clones of Renee (The Question) to lead them and protect them in this jump... Ummm... Okay?

    -Calculator is hung for his betrayal where he'll "die forever." Libra then puts 2 and 2 together and realize it was Lex who betrayed him just in time for Lex's plan to come to a climax. Dr. Sivana creates a device to take control of the Antilife Zombies and Lex apparently kills Libra. Sivanna says <<And that's a classic "we haven't seen the last of him!" if I ever saw one.>> Which was pretty funnny.

    -Barry & Wally (Flashes), still on the run from the black racer decide that they can somehow save our world... Not sure what they mean but, I guess that's for issue 7.

    -Batman pulls a gun on Darkseid. Turns out he saved the bullet that killed Orion and decides to use it on and the dark lord. As he fires the gun though Darkseid shoots him with the Omega Beams (his eyes). Batman shoots him (and kills him?) but the Omega Beams blast him in a big two page spread. Some of you are gonna say, "But the Omega Beams can do anything! He mimght not be dead! Maybe Darkseid sent him back in time to prehistoric earth!" ... We'll touch on that.

    -BOOM! Superman tears through the female furies in a rage and wipes out the enemy troops... Finally you see why on the last page. He's standing hold the carcass of Bruce.


  8. Thanks Nessex, I had seen those, but sadly they're not what I'm looking for. :(

    Those are rings from the different realities of Green Lantern.

    I'm looking for something more along the lines of what Fujis found...

    I thought it would be funny to give people gifts according to their personality in the Lantern spectrum.

  9. Alright, Trekker's right. If neither of you have Smash Bros experience then it would be better. I guess I've just never been there. My wife is a HARDCORE gamer (She could probably take most of you guys on at once in Halo) and she HATES Smash Bros because of it's difficulty spike.

    That said, read the above statement.

    As for the Rock Band/Guitar Hero... How can a person compare 100 songs in GH to over 500 (and counting) in RB?

    If you like Tool & Aerosmith, neither of those are in RB, but...

    Okay, nevermind, I agree with Trekker here too:

    Do your research. ;)

  10. Damn Harley! :angry:

    She's so hard to get in there with her hammer.

    Tommorrow her pose will probably be changed AGAIN.

    As for the Joe mates, they are all Nervous customs.

    I don't feel bad bragging for him. ;)

    They're awesome and I would never part with them (sorry Kar).

    He and I go a ways back and the Zartan is from his Series 1 Joe mates, back before most of the people here even noticed he was customizing.

    Maybe I can snap a pic of Zartan sometime soon. It's all up in the air right now with Christmas though.

    (That's also why I haven't done a new minimate movie in some time.)

  11. Well storage has been such that I haven't been able to show off my collection up until now.

    I only have 4x32 cases up so far because I've been busy with Christmas, but here they are:

    My DC mates, MOST of my BTTF mates, my Joe mates, Indiemates, SF Mates and a couple other randoms.





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