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Posts posted by CrimsonDiablo

  1. Not judging anyone for their preference, just remarking on the strong emotions on display, as much as they are on display here. Mostly, I was admiring Nessex's excitement, but I guess I'm less surprised by the negativity towards holes.

    Calling it a "mistake" may very well be accurate in some cases, if a hole-less head was intended, but saying it looks "lazy" (as stated earlier) seems to indicate that using the more versatile head makes it look like we're shirking work. Obviously, a hole-less head exists, it's not like we keep it on a high shelf. I don't make these decisions, but I personally never thought it affected the aesthetic enough to detract from the figure, especially with the added customizability, whether one plans to use it or not. We aren't Lego, but every Lego guy has a bump on their head, whether they have hair or a helmet or not. Just a thought.

    Glad you're happy, Nessex.

    The '90s Xavier has a hole, right? I wonder what he would look like with Spider-Sense...

    While I never cared for the peg hole on bald character or masked character, seeing the point of pegs on lego heads takes it all away. I'd rather a small peg hole than a large nub on the head anyday. So that being said can we get a Marvel Now Cyclops without a peg hole?!?! :D

  2. I don't really care if we get any army builders/generic villians. I'm hoping we can round out the rest of the characters - Jack, Jacob, EDI, Miranda, Kaiden, Mordin, Zaeed, Anderson, Grunt, Joker, Legion, Vega, Samara, Thane and the Prothean whose name I can't remember. I think Kai Leng & Saren deserve mates. Hell, I'd even buy a Chambers & Conrad.

    Conrad Verner would be the greatest chase variant ever!!!! And if they made Chambers, than Traynor would be a must.

  3. Minor tweaks to Garrus and you could have Saren. Make Shepard in his Cerberus armor and helmet and you could army dump that. Take that Cerberus armor, paint it black with a variant head and have Kai Leng. Collectors and Husks seem like great choices. I still say Zaeed, Miranda, Jack, Kaiden, and an Alliance soldier that could have head swaps to fill out Normandys crew. I know that's quite a bit, but I'm so anxious for this line to do great.

  4. Zach I never said you had a line up or anything, you just confirmed to me on there that there would be a series 2. I'm beyond excited by that. I don't care who makes the cut or when, I'm just happy there'll be more. And I'll buy a whole case again

    You said it was in the works, and I just wanted to manage expectations. And I do not know what format it will take if it does happen, so it might not be a Series 2, exactly.

    What's the name of the big, bulky silver guy?


    Fair enough, sorry to misinterpret your words. I've been collecting since the first wave of marvel, and I can't express my excitement for this line. This is my favorite series imaginable. There is so much potential and possibility and I can't wait to see what comes next. Happy Thanksgiving btw.

  5. Didnt show up at my store in Boston.

    If you check the product page on, it will show you which stores near you have inventory. I saw some in Chicago and some in Miami, but nothing in the Northeast, yet.

    Their site showed them in Watertown which is close and lots of surrounding areas. Zach I'm on the Seacoast of New Hampshire and found them at three stores. I'd say they made it here.

    Side note, the Facebook page just verbally confirmed a series 2 of these is in the works!!!!

  6. Any chance box sets will be available elsewhere or does GameStop have these locked down?

    Nothing has been finalized yet, sorry.

    Always a chance, if these do well, but we may be looking at box sets.

    Boxsets are good too! Could they potentially included any of the blind bagged characters?
    They may, as the bags seem to cover a lot of the main characters, but I imagine they would be different somehow. I am not very familiar with the games, so I do not know what costume variations exist.

    About a zillion armors and helmets for the shepards. Tons on paint variation skins on the characters you have shown. A multitude of weapons (the mattock and widow would be beautiful options) and then you can do Zaeed and have the greatest character ever.

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