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So some of you might have seen my post earlier. I came very close to packing it all away and quitting minimates. I wasn't sure I wanted to collect them. I longed for a toyline with more dynamic poses and detail. Not to mention I had some other economic issues to think about. Then i had a thought... in what other toyline would I ever POSSIBLY be able to have a Norman Osborne in a lab coat mixing flasks of chemicals? And that's when I knew I wanted to keep collecting mates. (I just have to cut back On how many I collect so it's still enjoyable and to get things in order)

Anyhow if you've been stressing about the NYCC mates here's how you can get em for free - just tell me what keeps you collecting? What's your favorite thing about minimates? What's your Norman Osborne in a lab coat? (Even better if you include pictures!) I'll be running one of these contests on here and one on the Facebook page so there's two chances to win. Good luck to all that enter! 

Edited by The Scarlet Spider
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This community is what keeps me going. While I love all the mates and the characters we keep getting, it is this message board that makes this hobby fun. And I love that I can army build for relatively cheap. And my custom Ultimate Frightful Four that I got from my birthday elephant one year are my favorite mates.

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Well, I talked to you a lot about it already...But for me, it has to be the diversity of the 'mates. The fact that you can team up Spidey, Scully/Moulder, and the Ninja Turtles, to find Killer Croc in the sewers is really cool!. The fact that they're all proportionate to each other really helps that too =) 

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What keeps me collecting MiniMates? Well, I keep collecting MiniMates because I enjoy the concept of MiniMates. I enjoy customizing and the fact they are so unlike Lego Minifigures.

The favorite thing about minimates is they are a great way for me to wind down after a stressful day, merely due to the ease there is to customizing so many of them.  Sure there are times where you need to paint a part or apply a decal, but they are simple enough to make general/quick customs almost any where. The nice thing about MiniMates, is that my godson loves to play with them and has a blast mixing up the Battle Beasts and TMNT to use as aliens for the Star Trek crew to fight/explore with.  (I have lots of extras that I allow him to play with so my customs are not disturbed or damaged.)  I would have to say my "Norman Osborne in a lab coat" MiniMate is a tie between the custom Mirror Mirror Star Trek MiniMates I made with some help from Luke314pi (he made decals for me.)  I created Mirror Chekov, Mirror Sulu, Mirror McCoy and normal universe Monroe after I got the Mirror Mirror Box Set as I needed the rest of the landing party that swapped places in the Mirror Universe.

Edited by Captain Paco
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I keep collecting minimates because of the scope of what they include. From movies to comics to tv shows it covers so many things that I love. I also love their look and poseability. 

My Norman Osborne is my Iron Man hall of armors! I love how many different ways I can customize Iron Man and Tony Starks.

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I've always been into buying toys, but I never was consistent with my purchases. When I started collecting in 2008, though, something about Minimates specifically really struck the right spot. It was like that perfect mix between something customizable, like a LEGO, while retaining a higher level of complexity. It all started with finding a rogue Tony Stark/Iron Monger (A shame that I scrapped Iron Monger for a custom, he was a damn good figure) , then the old Street Fighter set, then a 24 pack from a local store. Even if I didn't know what the license was (I'm looking at you, BSG), the aesthetic was able to capture me in the way other toylines hadn't. The collecting sort of settled in, and back then, it was always the excitement of finding something that was with that brand name, but I had no idea was coming. Of course, now that we're here in 2017 where we can know the exact week a set is coming, my thing keeping me going has sort of evolved from "Hunting for a surprise from that toyline" to "Anticipating what's on the horizon." As my tastes refined, I was fortunate that DST picked licenses I had a previous interest in.

Collecting Minimates became something of a part-time hobby to being the sole reason to begin a Youtube channel. Not only was I inspired by other reviewers, but I wanted to show the world what Minimates were like. I kept wanting more new and interesting figures to show off, so I kept buying. As the quality of my videos grew, my appreciation for the brand and where it's taken me grew as well. If it wasn't for my love for reviewing Minimates, I wouldn't have taken video classes in High School that helped me get my career in radio. Am I saying Minimates got me where I am today? Probably not, but it's been a catalyst for much of the decisions in my life.

I realize this post was all over the place, but I feel like the reason I collect Minimates to this day is that it's so familiar to me, it's just became a part of my daily routine. Minimates are part of the identity I've shaped, and it's something that makes me feel "safe." There's a certain level of brand loyalty I've had with DST over the years. Throughout the highs and the lows through Middle School, High School, and even well into my college years, I've always had that one constant in my life; and that will always be Minimates.


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Ah minimates whats not to love. As somebody that isn't American I have always identified more with characters that were also outsiders culturally. For some reason Captain Britain and Meggan were my favourites, so when these characters were folded into an X book well that was the book for me. Of course Excalibur collectibles have always been few and far between and the only collectibles that have ever touched Meggan  have been heroclix and minimates, Now I do have Excalibur figures from both lines but I tell you what one is a hell of a lot more fun than the other lol. Also I am very limited for space and do love a nice diorama and minimates lend themselves so well to dioramas customs and whatever else you fancy.



these just bring me such joy :)

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I had to think about this for a while, because honestly there isn't one specific reason I can point to for why I continue to collect Minimates. It's really a combination of several factors. I'll just list a couple for the sake of brevity.

For one thing, I just get plain excited by these figures. There's something rewarding about opening a new set, inspecting/appreciating each new figure, and then finding that figure's place among the collection. It's relaxing and exciting at the same time; I think partially because my inner comic geek will never grow up, and partially because I love symmetry and organization (a uniform scale/style can add a sense of satisfaction when looking over a large, well organized collection).
And the initial excitement doesn't fade too much over time. I can still look through my collection and just stop and admire a figure and find myself thinking that it's just so cool to have that character in the palm of my hand.

Then there's the way that Minimates spark my creativity and lend themselves so well to my ability to create artwork. Whether it's a traditional drawing, a photograph, or a Photoshop project. Something about Minimates just inspires my imagination.
And yeah, you could say that any toy line has the potential to do that. But for me, nothing clicks quite the same way that Minimates do. I've dabbled with various other toy lines for specific properties (TMNT, Batman, Power Rangers, etc) but Minimates are the only brand that I feel partial to, regardless of what license is represented. And there have even been times when I gained an appreciation for a license I previously didn't care about, simply because I had the Minimate.




My Norman Osborne in a lab coat is how I can have a large collection of Spiderman figures (or Wolverine or Iron Man, etc) that span decades of comic history, in a neatly organized case that takes up the space of a text book.


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I love the style, variety and the fact the line is extremely customizable.  I've acquired mates of Spidey costumes that will likely never be featured in another toy line.  These are older photos, but these fit perfectly on top of my book case and give Spidey a prominent location in the room. 



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