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ROGUE ONE: A Star Wars Story


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Tickets for Rouge One: A Star Wars Story went on sale tonight (Got mine YEAH!!!:D). I figured it was about time a thread was opened to discuss this film. 


I for one am extremely excited about this film and I can't wait to see it. Just seeing Darth Vader on the big screen again will be amazing. 

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I was apprehensive about a star wars film every year.(worried about burn-out) but I'm looking forward to films 'outside ' the trilogy films. As much as I love Ewan McGregor, and Obi-Wan movie sounds boring. Maybe bring back Rendar and do more films of peripheral characters . 


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1 hour ago, JediJohnson said:

Ultimate Ticket:  $100 gets you unlimited viewings at Regal theaters during entire theatrical run.  :jawdrop:

If a ticket costs ten bucks (give or take) then you would need to see the movie more than ten times to save money.

I'm not one to judge what people do with their free time or money, but yikes. I know Star Wars fans are obsessive (I used to be one of those crazies), but that's pretty excessive.

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You can see it in IMAX, RPX, 3D....any combination.  An IMAX 3D ticket locally is about $18, so seven viewings over the course of a couple months....

If you have the time to go to a movie like that, it seems to pay for itself.

Plus, the ticket you get is a collectible, plastic card!!!!  :yes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The prequal A New Hope should have had originally. (The last batch of 3 dont exist for me and everytime Lucas says he originally planned for them I wish he whould get hit with a sand speeder.)

Stand outs for me are the the droid, the character restoration CG and the battle in the last third it made the hairs on my arms stand on end.

Minor low point Forest Whitker and his group kinda just did nothing for me. Honestly I was expecting more from that character.

I would give it an easy 9/10 and prob in my top 3 movies of the year.

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I didn't love it, but didn't hate it. I had very low expectations considering the fact that they basically wrote out one of my favorite Star Wars characters (Kyle Katarn). It generally didn't feel like a Star Wars movie to me until halfway through the second act. The first act was very disjointed and felt like a bunch of random scenes thrown together. It wasn't until the phenomenal third act until I got really excited and I felt like I was watching Star Wars. I was very mixed about the characters. I liked Felicity Jones, though. See it if you're a Star Wars fan, definetly. I'd give a 6.5/10 for it being an average flick that kept me interested. 

Edited by NerdyTrev
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7 hours ago, NerdyTrev said:

I didn't love it, but didn't hate it. I had very low expectations considering the fact that they basically wrote out one of my favorite Star Wars characters (Kyle Katarn). It generally didn't feel like a Star Wars movie to me until halfway through the second act. The first act was very disjointed and felt like a bunch of random scenes thrown together. It wasn't until the phenomenal third act until I got really excited and I felt like I was watching Star Wars. I was very mixed about the characters. I liked Felicity Jones, though. See it if you're a Star Wars fan, definetly. I'd give a 6.5/10 for it being an average flick that kept me interested. 

I absolutely agree with everything you just said. I'll see it again, but can't bring myself to gush over it.

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I liked it much more than I expected.  I basically went because I had some time to kill on Saturday and, well, might as well go see the Star Wars movie.  But I thought it was really good, very different in tone from any other Star Wars movie while still working as a Star Wars movie.  Like Minifiend said, it was the prequel to Star Wars that we actually wanted all those years ago.  And, so spoilers or anything, but that one sequence at the end (you know what I'm talking about) might be my single favorite scene in any Star Wars movie, ever.

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I saw it twice this weekend.  I loved it.  That scene at the end, yeah, best SW scene ever.  I thought there was a lot to like, but most notable to me was that the plot was pretty secure.  Everything was explained.  There were no, "If Boba Fett were following them, how'd he get there first?" moments.  I enjoyed all of the new characters immensely, but I also enjoyed seeing familiar faces and designs.  I especially liked the shout-outs to Rebels.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally saw this. As someone who's not a super SW nerd or anything, I loved it. 

It definitely felt a bit disjointed at first, particularly when they kept skipping around time and planets, but once the movie settled in and started playing out, it was quite good.

Definitely felt like Episode 3, which for all intents and purposes it will be now.

I think part of the non Star Wars feel is that the music was different for most of it. Often it'd have a few familiar notes, then take the arrangement in an entirely different way. Which I can appreciate since this isn't the "main" Star Wars story. 

Good stuff though.

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