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Four Horsemen's The Ravens figures

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I know this was mentioned in the Kickstarter thread, but since it's fully funded now (in less than 2 1/2 days no less) I thought it'd be interesting to see if anyone else will be getting any of these. Frankly, I think this looks like one of the coolest figure lines coming out any time soon.

Extremely cool looking creations and I'm hoping for more than just the first six that are available through KS.

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I’m already in for a full set (whatever a ‘full set’ ends up being, 6, 8, 10, or 12 I’m buying them all...and when the allow for multiple pledges I’m down for TWO sets, plus an extra Raven to wear the helmet and a couple extra Minotaurs for reasons stated in the Kickstarter thread)

we’re as of right now just a little less then $59,000 away from the Rooster, which I have no doubt we’ll hit when SDCC gets a little more attention to the pledge drive and they allow for multiple orders.

EDIT: Looks like as I wrote this the Horsemen changed how the stretch goals are working... $49,000 to the Rooster! (still $59,000 away from from ?????)... looks like the stretch goals will be “add-ons” but no word yet on if they’re allowing multiple orders.

Edited by dr baghead
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Guess I'm going all in with the $10K bid, for one reason and one reason only:

"a free Taco Bell lunch. . ."

Holy Moley!!!

Taco Bell is to the Four Horsemen (or Cornboy at least) what Cookies are to Chuck. It’s an inside joke for fans and not some pot-sweating “pledge for this!” deal.

also. ADD-ONS ARE NOW LIVE AND WE’RE $4,000 way from the White Raven!


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Dang. I really like these, and love the 4H's work in general, but I cut Xetheus and Ramathorr in my last toy purge. If these were in 3 3/4 scale like OSM, I might take another look, but I've pretty much cut all 6" lines from my displays in the interest of saving space.

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If these were in 3 3/4 scale like OSM....

They’d look fantastic in that scale.

I wonder if it’s possible to convince the Horsemen to make their next Kickstarter about reissuing all the Minotaurs/Elephants/Queens/Time Keepers/Scarabi/Ravens in that scale with a few gylos joints thrown in...

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Anyone wanna loan me $240?

I want them all. sad.png

Could I pay in installments by March 2014? I could handle $240 that way... unsure.png

You do know the money is due August 12th, right? sad.png

I only get 2 paychecks before then, don't make a lot of money, have other toys on preorder that may require that money before then, not to mention "important" things like bills, cost of living, etc., lol...

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Can someone explain how Kickstarter works from a backer's standpoint? I've seen a lot of projects, but never donated to one personally. If I get in on this, and for some reason, can't come up with the money by the deadline, can I back out? Is it extremely poor form to do so? Are there penalties? Is it "cool, everyone does it"?

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I want to help with these, mostly because i REALLY want the Quetzalcoatl. Thinking about going for the Raven/Cardinal 2-pack, but that's a lot of coin to drop down all at once. We'll see if i can rationalize it with all the SDCC spending coming up. Even still, some of the best looking figures i've ever seen.

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Can someone explain how Kickstarter works from a backer's standpoint? I've seen a lot of projects, but never donated to one personally. If I get in on this, and for some reason, can't come up with the money by the deadline, can I back out? Is it extremely poor form to do so? Are there penalties? Is it "cool, everyone does it"?

You can backout BEFORE the Kickstarter ends. So if at any point before August 12th at 11:14pm (Eastern USA Time) you decide you can’t afford it, it’s acceptable to drop your pledge.

After the Kickstarter ends you’re stuck. You can ask the Horsemen directly if they’ll refund you and they might, but they’re under no obligation too.

If you can’t pony up for a full set now the best option is to pledge for the Minotaur the Duck/Raven two-pack as that will get you both Kickstarter Exclusives (MTD and the Screaming Raven accessory pack) for $90 ($93 if pledged as an add-on) and then buy the rest of the figures next March when the Horsemen sell them in their on-line shop.


We’re almost at Quetzelquotal (spelled wrong, I don’t care!) level!!!!! $30,000 (aka 1,000 more add-ons) until the Rooster! WOOP! WOOP!

Edited by dr baghead
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So the rest will be available for "retail" sale later on?

yep, aside from Minotaur and the helmet they plan to have them available at StoreHorsemen next year. (granted, they might not have much stock as the previous figures have had 250~500 production runs... so it might be a mad dash to get the ones/one you really want, but they will have some later so you save up)

Also, they changed how the pledging works so you can actually get both exclusives for $58 (MTD with an add-on of just the screaming head, helmet, and sword) so you won’t have to get a second Ravens in March if you buy a full set from StoreHorsemen.

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I'm just happy to see that the unlocked figures are $12 cheaper than the regular ones (although I'm holding off to see if they offer a set of them for cheaper).

And I love the idea of releasing Seventh Kingdom stuff through Kickstarter. I missed out on a lot of the figures, but have a hard time paying what the prices are on ebay when there's such widespread breakage.

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.....I want the duck.

Me, too, but his feet should be webbed. (I'm kind of a duck purist that way.)


Just announced that once the last variant is unlocked (just $25,000 away... so probably this weekend) every Minotaur the Duck will come with a FREE pair of webbed feet!

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