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He's going into storage ........

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  • 10 months later...

Soooooo I never really went anywhere did I ? blush.png

Yesterday was one of the most decisive days of my life & I've been sweating waiting for it for over a year . In a nutshell I've been involved in a legal battle with the nutter who bought the farm next to us [ three years ago ] . I won't bore you with all the details ,I'll just say that he was trying to steal land from me can that happen [?] me it happensglare.gif I'll also add that he doesn't live at the farm, has never done anything at all to it & bought it for speculative reasons. He has sought confrontation with all of his/our other neighbours but ol' dopey Rob decided to take the fucker on which has cost me dear ......financially ,mentally & emotionally . I'm not seeking sympathy but I share this place with people who I think of as friends & in my first post in this thread I thought it best to walk away from you that respect I failed miserably .

Yesterday I won the day thrown out ,judgment given in favour of me & 75% of my legal terms a total win . I'm still down thousands of ££s & the shit still lingers next farm on but .....I won.

The moral of my tale .......if you're right ,stand your ground & get a good solicitor/attorney dry.png ..........& don't fucking cross me no.gif

Thankyou to all the people who have given me support & had to listen to my plight over the internet & over a few pints in Chicago . Going to C2E2 was in many respects risky madness..............I wouldn't have missed it for the world !


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Even though this was British court and therefore the ruling was all in metric and I can't understand how to convert it, I still know that justice was served and the good guys won. Congrats, Rob!

Edited by boyd
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Glad things worked out. My family's had its fair share of land theft and while our situation was a tad more complicated (during WW2 and the civil war some things happened, the land was not equaly distributed and a lot of other things) and while this didn't go to court (the evil doer in my case was a distant uncle so my grandpa decided to just let him have it) it was quite frustrating. Still, I hope better days are ahead of you!

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What fantastic news, BMH. I'm super stoked to hear that you have won out. I'm sorry that it cost you so much time and heart-ache. I hope it was worth it in the end though.

Welcome Home.

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