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Arrow is Awesome!


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I've been watching from the begining, still waiting for it to get good, the stories have been ok, the costumes are ok, the guest"stars" (comic characters) have been ok, but nothing great yet, im hoping that when deathstroke finally shows up it may get more exciting so ill give it a while longer before i stop watching.

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I'm not a Green Arrow superfan -- I've read a lot of Justice League, but Minijeff only recently sent me some solo books -- so any bastardization of the mythos is fine by me. And by guest stars I don't mean Count Vertigo and Deathstroke and Arsenal, I mean the guy who played Gaius Baltar and the guy from Spartacus and the dude from Fringe.

Also, my old job required me to watch Heroes and Smallville and No Ordinary Family, so I've had my expectations for superhero shows adjusted way downward.

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As a huge Green Arrow fan I was pumped for the attention to the character. That being said I dont fit the stereotype of fans as I know movies/tv shows are going to change things up and such. I have been watching since the start and I really enjoy this show....much more than I did Smallville.

Jeff of the Miniacs

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I have been watching it since it started and while I do enjoy it enough for what it is, it's not exactly my favorite show on tv, but some of the guest actors have been a lot of fun. I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks back and watching the episode where they reveal the guy from Spartacus and all I said to his was "Huh, I'm pretty sure I've seen _______ naked." (character named omitted for spoiler stuff or whatever) and he just laughed at me.

Otherwise it's a fun enough show to watch.

Edited by The Geohound
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It took exactly 25 minutes from you mentioning something to us asking you if we're getting Minimates for it.

How does that make you feel, Zach? sweat.gif

I haven't seen the show, but it's on my list of "shows to watch a whole season of on DVD over a weekend."

As I was typing my response to the thread, I was thinking "how long will it be that someone pesters Zach for Arrow Minimates, since he started this thread?" Nice to know that there's some constants in this world. laugh.png

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Probably my favorite new show this year. Strongest "superhero" show so far. Oh it's way, way messed up continuity-wise. But so far all of their choices have had a consistent story logic to them, so they work in context. The flashback storytelling takes some getting used to, and he needs a better disguise quickly because it's already pushing believability that in our camera phone world he hasn't been recognized. But overall a strong first season thus far.

Highly, Highly recommended.

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Wait, there's some dude opening a thread just to let us know he likes this one show? Moderators? Please ban! Seriously! What if everybody would... oh, Zach! It's yoU! Amazing show, dude!

Just kidding.



Also, my old job required me to watch Heroes and Smallville and No Ordinary Family, so I've had my expectations for superhero shows adjusted way downward.

Wait. That's your old job, right? Can I have it?
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I've also been watching it from the beginning (at UK pace!) and while it's not my favourite show by any means I'm enjoying it. I'm not a big DC or Green Arrow fan so have no pre-conceptions. I like quite a few of the supporting cast (Felicity steals every scene she's in imo) and the mix of story of the week/overall arc is pretty good.

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Personally I just watch the show for Felicity who is gorgeous smile.png

She's pretty great.

Wait, there's some dude opening a thread just to let us know he likes this one show? Moderators? Please ban! Seriously! What if everybody would... oh, Zach! It's yoU! Amazing show, dude!

Just kidding.



Also, my old job required me to watch Heroes and Smallville and No Ordinary Family, so I've had my expectations for superhero shows adjusted way downward.

Wait. That's your old job, right? Can I have it?

Wait, are we not allowed to start threads about random stuff here? I searched for a thread, and only found "What are you watching?" NOT SPECIFIC ENOUGH.

My old job was writing for, and you can HAVE it. Not a bad job if you're single and live in NYC.

I like quite a few of the supporting cast (Felicity steals every scene she's in imo) and the mix of story of the week/overall arc is pretty good.

The supporting cast is pretty great! The guy who plays Tommy Merlin, that girl who's in every CW TV show, the bodyguard, the mom, the stepdad, John Barrowman... But yeah, I would want Arrow to date Felicity before he got back together with Dinah. It's great that Kelly Hu plays China White; she looks pretty ridiculous, though.

And I used to think that Arrow had more chemistry with the actress who plays his sister than anyone else. Glad they introduced Roy Harper in the last episode to act as an incest substitute.

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My TV habits have changed so much over the past few years. With Netflix, I just prefer to wait for things to come out on disc or streaming then just marathon it. But now I'm so far behind on so many shows. Plus I tend to get so bored with shows because many of them are so predictable! Not to mention most actors seem to be chosen for the demographic they appeal to more so than their actual acting ability.

But long ramble short, I'm now willing to check Arrow out now that I've heard you guys mention it kindly. I was heavily avoiding it for the stupidest reason - there's an Arrow billboard near my home that's been up since October, and I've been judging the show based on my severe dislike of that damn ugly billboard and the fact nobody's taken it down yet!

But my main point is that I wish shows were more like Netflix's "House of Cards" experiment, where the whole season was made available all at once. I'm willing to give the show a try, by my cable service sucks and channels are frequently unavailable so using the DVR is unreliable. I'm not going to pay extra to rent any show now over iTunes or Amazon. So while I'd love to give the show a try right now, I'm going to wait for DVD. But you guys have convinced me to give it a try :)

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MC - have you tried Hulu? it's a little late to try to catch up on Arrow now, I think. but I haven't had a television in years but I'm still able to keep up to date with most new show between Netflix and Hulu...

As for Arrow, I know next to nothing about the comics (my DC fandom is trivial at best) so continuity is lost on me. But I've been watching since the start, and while I have a hard time relating to any of the characters (despite several of them being satirical versions of people I know in real life), I think the thing keeping me coming back is the hope that it'll level out and find its voice. That, and the guest stars have been a great bonus...

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