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WWE already has mini figures (Rumblers) but I would LOVE to see them get some Minimates. How about 3 current 2-packs and 1 classic 2-pack every wave?

The Rumblers are actually pretty good in a Super Hero Squad sort of way. They are all near enough instantly recognizable too, and brilliantly they have a big box set of them that has about 10 wrestlers in it. I realise that Minimates tried (and failed?) on the 10 pack front, but I've always thought it would be a great way to get mates. Imagine getting that box on Christmas morning!

I also love your idea for a wave breakdown of 3 and 1. Maybe TRU could also do a classic exclusive each wave.

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I've actually thought a lot about WWE Minimates over the years... if I were the line planner, I'd definitely using as much WWE history as I can. I'd probably follow this basic breakdown for a wave: one set covers 80s/early 90s; one covers the Attitude Era; one covers now; and one is a wild card that could be WCW, ECW, new Hall of Famers, or whatever I think of. So wave one (which I'd want to load up with as many heavy hitters as possible) might look like this:

-Bret Hart/ Shawn Michaels (in the WM 12 gear)

-Stone Cold Steve Austin/ Vince McMahon

-John Cena/ The Rock

-Ric Flair/ Dusty Rhodes (in their old NWA gear)

If we're doing sets for comic shops and other retailers ordering through Diamond, I'd use the same lineup but tweak the designs, much like the Battle Beasts. So the Shawn/Bret set might have them in their Montreal Screwjob outfits (which, admittedly, I don't know if it's any different off the top of my head), and Dusty might have his polka dots. The point is to make as many era and match-specific figures and pairings as you can, since you're going to want to rely on the big names as much as possible, so you'd better make them as distinctive as possible. Here's what wave 2 might look like:

-Randy Savage/ Ricky Steamboat (WM 3)

-Triple H/Mankind

-CM Punk/ Rybeck (I know, Rybeck... ugh. But the kids like him)

-Kevin Nash/Scott Hall in NWO colors

At one point, I think I'd worked up about a dozen possible

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Pretty sure I would buy every single pack you mentioned. Though I would like to see a variant NWO pack with their wearing Diesel/Razor Ramon attire. Would love to see such a line exist and take off to the point that we eventually got a Malenko/Guerrero 2-pack. And what possible release ever in the history of Minimates makes more sense than tag team 2-packs? Legion of Doom, Hart Foundation, Rockers, British Bulldogs, Steiners, Demolition (Crush released at TRU with someone), DX HBK/Triple H, New Age Outlaws, Mega Powers (Hogan and Macho Man), Natural Disasters, Bushwackers, the Bolsheviks, Piper/Bob Orton, Mr. T/Hogan, Brainbusters, Harlem Heat, Million $ Man/IRS, Killer Bees, Yeti/Zodiac, Charlie Norris/Shockmaster, etc. Con exclusive Survivor Series 4 packs? *faints*

Edited by karamazov80
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it's funny that it seems like so many of us have thought of these. i'd buy every one and probably multiples at that. plus getting a Mr T and Hulk Hogan that could easily become Clubber Lang (or B.A. Baracus) and Thunderlips would be icing on the cake. maybe those versions could be a variant or a con exclusive thumbsup.gif

as far as these just being mostly neckid dudes (but lets not forget the Divas) these wrestlers all have numerous t-shirts too. the slipover shirts Minimates use would be perfect as most of them wear their shirts ripped under the arms anyway, or they could simply come with a bare chest block and a shirt block. cause to be honest, i'd only want the really huge guys like Brock Lesner or Big Show to have the bulky chest piece.

there are so many wrestlers, managers, annoucers, divas, referees and executives that could be done. i'd love a Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, Lou Albano and Cyndi Lauper, The King and Andy Kaufman, we could get a Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman minimates! biggrin.png the possiblities are endless with all the different ring attires and street clothes.

and this would be one line where playsets would really kick ass. different rings and event stages/entrances, hell in a cell, elimination chamber, casket match & TLC accessories, annoucers tables, cameras, my mind is racing (doesn't help that i'm actually watching Smackdown as I type this laugh.png)

btw, didn't i see a Stone Cold custom around here somewhere? that needs to be re posted in here.

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Hollywood Hogan, Cowboy Hat Macho Man, First Appearance Undertaker, Ric Flair with Robe, Ultimate Warrior, WCW Sting with Baseball Bat

Andre the Giant,Bret Hart, Steve Austin with Vest, Jerry Lawler,The Rock, DX Triple H, DX Chyna

Mick Foley Thru the Ages, Shawn Michaels Thru the Ages

Papa Shango, Earthquake, Honky Tonk Man, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ted Dibiase, Roddy Piper

Legion of Doom, Bushwackers, Nasty Boys, Demolition

Yokozuma, Classic Hogan, Big Bossman, Goldust, Razor Ramon, Diesel

Modern Wave with John Cena

RIP Boxset # 1-99

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I really would like to see you ask, with a straight face, "what are your crotch plans?"

Anyhow, the toughest part about making WWE customs are the trunks, because wrestlers' trunks usually have some kind of design and it's REALLY hard to fit, say, the Rock's logo on the back of a Minimate crotchpiece. So if these are compatible, problem solved.

Too bad we probably will never get WWE 'mates now. I did ask Chuck about them last year, and I recall him saying that they'd had talks in the past, and I think they might have even had some designs done up, but nothing came of it.

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I'm with the majority as I think back in the day I may have brought up the ctotch T piece didnt work for wrestling figures as no space for art. Looking at these I'm in two minds. The mystrio one looks good and from the pictures the sin cara as well, the rest are meh. I cant figure out if that is undertaker with the head band on. If so I'm not impresed

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Yeah, I was also a bit confused about guy with goatee and bandanna. Looks a bit like Terry Funk at first glance, but it's obviously not him. Looks almost nothing like Undertaker. Al Snow, maybe? :lol:

Edited by karamazov80
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It's Chainz from DOA!

LOL Well, it works for him, anyway. I'm sure there are 2 or 3 people on this earth who would clamor for some DOA, Los Boricuas, and pre-Rock Nation of Domination gang war figures :lol:

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