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  1. Toys are all well and good but, first thoughts going out to the people that work for Diamond Select. Hoping everyone is able to keep their jobs and make it through this.
  2. Awesome! Thank you for that update. Glad to find out the Skybound books are being used for inspiration, but I'd buy them even if they were based on Palitoy Action Force/Joes.
  3. The New Fantastic Four doesn't upset me. It's a great line-up for people who are just starting to get into minimates. Was a little disappointed no Joes, Transformers or new licenses being announced for minimates. Looking forward to the TMNT that I'm patiently waiting for. Happy and excited for the Dungeon & Dragons set. I will definitely be buying multiple sets.
  4. Oh totally. I was just naming the characters that were part of the original toyline that I'd like to see. I'd love to see the more well known characters from the game and books get made as well as monsters.
  5. I'd guess Strongheart, Kelek, Grimsword, Elkhorn, Zarak and Kareena (Venger's Sister and Dungeon Master's daughter.) I wouldn't mind seeing Skyla, Ringlerun a bugbear, bullybugs, a lich or some other creations as well.
  6. Is it true the classic movie is from the 60's? If so, I'm guessing either Planet of the Apes, a Bond flick, or The Ghost and Mr Chicken. Although I'd kill for Barbarella.
  7. Will, Swerve and Toni look great. Hopefully we can get a title belt in this set.
  8. Oh yeah he came with Negative Zone Spidey. He just looked so...not comic like I looked at my shelf and assumed he was animated.
  9. How about an entire set of microfigures of Power Pack? and I will buy any Avengers set with Echo in it.
  10. I'd guess Identity Crisis as Jack O'Lantern is in that storyline and has only been done animated.
  11. Awesome! Thanks for the update, @DSTZach.
  12. Oh I understand it as well and if Flair gets more sets in my collection, I'll buy multiples of the man.
  13. Anything planned for the 50th anniversary or is the line pretty much done?
  14. Not going to lie, having a guy that's only been on AEW tv five times to sell Sting's retirement match, an energy drink and generic erection pills take a spot is a little disappointing. I know it's Flair and he's a legend just personally not a fan. Danielson and Sting are the two of the set I definitely need. Just hoping for someone like Swerve, Kingston, or Toni Storm. Still a great set.
  15. I would love to see at least one female per every four pack. If we get Timeless Toni Storm she needs to be in black & white.
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